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    Where he's been

    You can always tell what a guys done before. If he goes and tells his friends the next day chances are he's never done anything before. Excpecialy when he tells stuf that didnt really happen
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    Backseat of ur car

    Okay so i met this guy at the movies one night and he asked me to go get ice cream with him and his two friends (guy and girl) so i did. then we went to meet his other freind and skip the crap we went to some placeses and at like 12ish we went back to the movies and we were waiting 4 his friend...
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    Sex offender

    Someone at this stupid school started a rumor about this guy saying that he watched some1 rape his little sister and videotaped himself raping some 9 yr old boy. I know this boy and this is very not true this guy is so sweet No one believes me cuz some idiot posted it on the internet and so it...
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    Balla Shock Colla

    okay so the title is just random "hey" to franny but seriously does anyone else see how dumb boys can be! i like my friends best friend and he was like 'yeah he asked for your number' and i was like oh seriously!!! and was all happy so since i didn't have my cell anymore i used my friends to...