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  1. R

    What have you done for Earth Day?

    Me? Nada!
  2. R

    Did putin and bush watch the troops go in to georgia, while watching the fake

    fireworks? with a mutual understanding before hand
  3. R

    Does not europe have satellites to watch borders, where is the drowns, the...

    ...great tech world? is it just brag, i thought we could watch these things go down, no one saw russia on border with 50,000 troops, hundreds of tanks, god help georgia, security, where are you, sucking beer at the games, looking at beach bunnies some truth now would be fine george, we can stand it
  4. R

    Why does not europe have satellites to watch borders, where is the drowns,

    the great tech world? is it just brag, i thought we could watch these things go down, no one saw russia on border with 50,000 troops, hundreds of tanks, god help georgia, security, where are you, sucking beer at the games, looking at beach bunnies and all we can do is blame the u.n.? when...
  5. R

    If we are free from fear, why do we on the internet put others down?

    the truth will set you free George i was much more free before the internet came to my door, unkown is bliss? let off steam is a good thing, drops the blood pressure, brings calm like deep breaths.
  6. R

    Why is yahoo politics and the pretend voice of citizens, nothing the government

    will ever hear? freedom of speech is always controlled by corporate gain