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  1. P

    iPhone 4S vs. iPhone 5.....which is better?

    Only let me know if you have compared them! thanks :)
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    Any good travel tours from usa to Stockholm, Sweden?

    Most of what I see online looks like day tours that originate IN Stockholm. Do you know where there would be one that guides you all the way over and through the duration there? Also, any general tips on traveling there from the usa for the first time?
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    Cali VS Florida.....Best?

    Personally I have only lived in FL (besides Venezuela) and I cant voice to many things. I think cali is the shit but Florida is where everyone wants to go to. But growing up what do you think is a better place to live? Btw I live in sofla..954 area about 20 min from miami beach.
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    Cruising on a skateboard?

    Hey i'm,a 13 yr old girl and i am really in to skateboarding. I practice everyday because you know practice makes perfect and what not. all i am really intrested in is cruising at the mo, so i looked on youtube a bit for a few hints and one person said cruisers will be mistaken for posers. i...
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    Where is the best place to live in the US?

    I'm from NJ, been here all my life. It's alright, I love how everything is accessible in no more than 15 minute car ride, and the fact that I don't have to pump my own gas, but other than that, I would not mind moving away. I hate having 4 seasons, as my allergies are horrible in the spring and...
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    No to gay marriage... jeesh. Tell me what you think of my views?

    Okay, so I'm a lesbian, but I'm /totally/ not getting married because it's disrespectful and wrong. Marriage is a religious doctrine, and I don't believe it should hold any power with the state. Civil unions should LEGALLY unite any two consenting adults, while marriage's should be preformed...
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    What's Premonition with Sandra Bullock about?

    Would anyone mind giving me a summary of what happens? I started watching it the other day but one of my friends said it wasn't worth watching, and I was just curious as to what happens throughout the movie/at the end. Thanks in advance! :)
  8. P

    i don't get it....why do all the 11,12, 13 & 14 year old girls upses getting there

    i don't get it....why do all the 11,12, 13 & 14 year old girls upses getting there periods? trust me not that grate when you get it.
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    one life to live & general hospital freak out rant moment?

    thank for reading my rant. oltl: what the f*ck!!!!! david vickers is rex's father?!?!?!?!?! how the hell did that happen? the only logical reasoning for this that i can come up with is that ither roxy when to a sperm bank or roxy really isn't rex's mother. maybe it's going to be one of those...
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    Can I buy the Iphone for the $199 price by extending by contract?

    I still have another year left on my contract and I've already used my upgrade (last year). Can I get the Iphone at the $199 price by EXTENDING my contract another two years? Or is this offer only good for those who sign a new contract? I need to know asap! Thanks! :)
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    Writing a personality profile...?

    i'm writing a story for my Journalism II class, and I have to write it on this girl. It's going to be about how she's from Delaware and moved to Ohio. The lead has to kind of be scene setting. I wanted to write about the last things she did before she left and how she said goodbye and...
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    What is this strange lump?

    I've had this lump, half way between the size of a pea and a marble, near my vagina for quite some time. It's about an inch away from my outer labia, and it's kind of farther back, nearer my anus. It's got a purple-ish color, it's smooth, and is very tender when I touch it. My Doctor moved...
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    Song in One Tree Hill?

    In the episode titled "We Three (My Echo, My Shadow, and Me)". I want to know the song that played when Lucas's dream first began when it cut into the club scene with everyone dancing. I know I've heard it before...Someone help me figure it out.
  14. P

    Come Here If You Have A Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Husband/Wife?

    What is your favorite little quirk about them something special that only they have that makes you love them that much more not anything like, she's a great kisses and hes so caring and buys me things
  15. P

    we're just two lost soul swimming in a fish bowl......?

    how do you all interpret this lyric? do you like the song? bq1: do you like the white stripes & what is your favorite song? bq2: do you like the killers & what is your favorite song? bq3: i am bored & don't want to do homework any suggestion on what i can do instead?
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    gh fans: dose anyone else think that spinelli's prophecy is coming true?

    besides me dose anyone think so? thank you for answering!
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    Why do I go through "I hate myself" phases?

    I'm a 20 year old girl who spent the majority of my early adolescence with beautiful friends. I was the flat chested girl with braces and acne. Now that I'm older, my skins cleared and I'm comfortable with the fact that my 32Bs aren't gonna grow anymore, why do I go through depression over my...
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    I need Precal help! It's a holiday and tutors aren't available :(?

    So It's been over a year since i've been in high school,, and I never took precal in high school, I only went up to algebra II. Now I am taking Precal in college for my business degree. We have our first homework assignment due tomorrow and normally I will go see a tutor (in which I pay for)...
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    Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers?

    What is your favorite Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers film?