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  1. C

    What's a website I can make a vocabulary quiz on?

    I just want to be able to write in the vocabulary word and their definitions and have them randomly mix up for a multiple choice quiz for myself.
  2. C

    If I download music from soulseek directly to an external hard drive,can I still...

    ...get a virus on my computer? Will my computer hard drive be infected and how does a virus infect an external hard drive
  3. C

    If I download music from soulseek directly to an external hard drive,can I still...

    ...get a virus on my computer? Will my computer hard drive be infected and how does a virus infect an external hard drive
  4. C

    If I download music from soulseek directly to an external hard drive,can I still...

    ...get a virus on my computer? Will my computer hard drive be infected and how does a virus infect an external hard drive
  5. C

    If I download music from soulseek directly to an external hard drive,can I still...

    ...get a virus on my computer? Will my computer hard drive be infected and how does a virus infect an external hard drive
  6. C

    If I download music from soulseek directly to an external hard drive,can I still...

    ...get a virus on my computer? Will my computer hard drive be infected and how does a virus infect an external hard drive
  7. C

    If I download music from soulseek directly to an external hard drive,can I still...

    ...get a virus on my computer? Will my computer hard drive be infected and how does a virus infect an external hard drive
  8. C

    If I download music from soulseek directly to an external hard drive,can I still...

    ...get a virus on my computer? Will my computer hard drive be infected and how does a virus infect an external hard drive
  9. C

    If I download music from soulseek directly to an external hard drive,can I still...

    ...get a virus on my computer? Will my computer hard drive be infected and how does a virus infect an external hard drive
  10. C

    If I download music from soulseek directly to an external hard drive,can...

    ...I still get a virus on my computer? Will my computer hard drive be infected and how does a virus infect an external hard drive
  11. C

    If I download music from soulseek directly to an external hard drive,can I still get

    a virus on my computer? Will my computer hard drive be infected and how does a virus infect an external hard drive
  12. C

    If I download music from soulseek directly to an external hard drive,can I still get

    a virus on my computer? Will my computer hard drive be infected and how does a virus infect an external hard drive
  13. C

    If I download music from soulseek directly to an external hard drive,can I still get

    a virus on my computer? Will my computer hard drive be infected and how does a virus infect an external hard drive
  14. C

    would you consider dr. bill deagle a false prophet?im sure you all have herd

    of him.with his prophecies.? i dont at first i was believing some of the things he was saying about man made swine flu and new world order.all kinds of crazy stuff he some how knows.then he called him self a
  15. C

    I got a few puzzles and riddles?

    What celeb am I trying to say? Bee Light switch (on) (person talking does what) What can you put in a barrel that makes it lighter? What comes at the beginning of the end, at the end of time, and twice during the week?
  16. C

    prophecy question...?

    does the European union have anything to do with bible they have elected a president and also want an EU ARMY.the are becoming more powerful than ever.since the Lisbon treaty. i think its possible for the eu to be the strong hold for our world government being orchestrated as we...
  17. C

    what will happen if they build the third temple in Jerusalem?is it a prophecy

    that this will happen? the building of the temple is being contruted next year.all blue prints and plans layed out.i read when all the rapture and things happen.i read the devil will take his throne there. i dk how many temples there,but these is the holy of holiest of temple.the temple it...
  18. C

    What are some good humor websites for downtime at work?

    I have already been on FML, failblog, texts from last night needs to be safe for work.
  19. C

    What are some good humor websites for downtime at work?

    I have already been on FML, failblog, texts from last night needs to be safe for work.
  20. C

    What are some good humor websites for downtime at work?

    I have already been on FML, failblog, texts from last night needs to be safe for work.