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    Tips On Writing Action scenes?

    So I know that writing action scenes is hard and I want tips on writing it. Please and thanks. Examples would help too.
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    books similar to hush,hush, fallen, and angelfire?

    i was just wondering if anyone knew any good books that are similar to Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, Fallen by Lauren Kate and Angelfire by Courtney Alison Moulton. These are my three favourite series, and they all have stuff to do with angels and myths and stuff. So if anyone has any good...
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    Anyone know which is the better truck and why?? I'm trying to decide which truck to get. I'm looking for a nice reliable low maintnace truck. Got approve for both. Thanku
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    RPGS/JPRGS For the PS2/Xbox360?

    I'm really into Rpgs/Jprgs. But I seem to have played quite a few now. I'll list all the games that I have played. Persona 3 Kingdom Hearts Final Fantasy X (and x-2) Persona 4 Shadow Hearts 1,2,3 Dark Cloud (1&2) Lucifer's Call Final Fantasy 12 .Hack series Kingdom Hearts 2 Dragon Age...
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    Am I ruining my relationship already?

    I have a boyfriend of almost three months. I also have a history of pushing people away. I believe I have commitment issues. Is it bad if I think my relationship will last longer, the less we hang out outside of work?
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    Higurashi No Naku Koroni Kai DVD Problems....?

    -Okay, so... I got my DVD from Play-Tech-Asia. Who had sold me When They Cry, which was good over all. It was dubbed (English voices) and had subtitles if not... Anyway, I went to play my Kai (That also has Rei on it.) DVD and it only played a chapter and a half, then lagged, froze, and just...
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    I have a sony ericsson mini pro phone , please answer :)?

    Well my phone doesnt have instagram and whatsapp and stuff like that and my friends phone does and her phone is much older than mine which I don't get I try to search for it on the android market nothing comes up and I tried downloading it from online that didn't work either! Tell me whats wrong...
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    Motorola C261 won't turn on?

    I found my super old Motorola C261 - it has a BC60 motorola battery and I found the 2 chargers I have for it. Both chargers seem to work as when I plug them in, the charging light turns on (red). But when I try to turn on the phone by holding down the red/end button it doesn't turn on. Is it the...
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    Taking written test and driver's test at different DMV offices?

    Can I take my written permit test at one CA DMV office, but my behind-the-wheel test at another CA DMV? I know I have to pay a $31 application fee when I apply for my permit, and a retest fee if I fail. But I never really found out if that fee was to cover both written and behind-the-wheel...
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    What are some good sci-fi/fantasy books?

    I am in desperate need of a new series to read but I've read everything the bookshop has recommended! I like Cassandra Claire, Kylie Chan (love her books and writing style) and Michael Scott (Nicholas Flamel series). I don't like J.R.R Tolkien's writing style so please don't suggest anything by...
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    would my heaters on my fiat still blow hot air if my head gaskets gone?

    people plz HELP!
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    my dog found a dead rabbit that was dead for two days is she gana be ok?

    what can i do to make sure she's going to be ok and what should i look for? when do i take her to the vet?
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    sony ericsson xperia mini pro not able to download words with friends?

    can someone help me?
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    what does the H with the two arrows mean on the Sony Ericsson Xperia 8 mean?

    does any one know what it means and how do we turn it off please? many thanks
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    What are some funny songs from movies?

    I've noticed that in a few movies they have made up songs, an example is "the hot chick". Wat are some cool/funny songs and lyrics?
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    Funny jokes or riddles?

    My friends and I have a pretty good sense of humor. What are some jokes, riddles, pick-up lines etc. that I can share with them? Anything and everything is welcome :]
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    Gifts for celebrities?

    During a red carpet event, are the spectators allowed to give a gift to the celebrities before the premier? Has anyone ever done this before? :)
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    Is he considered a lesbian?

    I know a guy who became a girl. Changed his name and everything. He even takes enhancement pills to help with the process. The thing is, even though he is now a girl he still likes girls not guys. So it's like he wants to be a lesbian. I've just never heard of this so it's odd to me. Anyone know...
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    What TELUS phones use sim card (GSM)? DATA plan questions?

    I have a TELUS iPhone that runs on a TELUS sim card. I'm looking to buy another used phone as a back-up phone to bring to concerts and etc. so that if I lose it, it won't matter and won't be too expensive to replace. I have a DATA plan - so I'm looking to buy a cheap Blackberry or another phone...
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    What are some interesting topics you'd like to hear about?

    I just want peoples opinions on topics they wouldn't mind hearing about. Please be as specific as possible.