Search results

  1. J

    Non lethal defensive "Gadgets"?

    I'm really into self defense, I've taken 6 years of Krav Maga and two years of kick boxing. I enjoy a rather large collection of knives, and have a particular love for expandable batons. However, the area that I live in is very restrictive in what one may carry around as a defensive tool...
  2. J

    Is there anyway to test whether my ISP is throttling my internet?

    Okay so yeah, I've had my normal 6mb/s internet connection fall to what can only be deemed as pathetic. Any speed test I do gives me less than a 1mb/s connection during peak hours. After midnight, I'm fine. Before then, I don't have a decent connection at all. Is there anyway to test if my ISP...
  3. J

    Wide Open West internet problem?

    So, I've had the same ISP for two years now, Wide Open West. In that time I've always had a steady 6mbs connection, not the fastest, but fast enough for my needs and it suits me just fine. Now however I'm having some problems. My downloads are going at 50kb/s instead of the normal 800 kb/s, I've...