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  1. M

    when is it the best time of year to fish for catfish? when do they spawn...

    ...should i fish close to the bank? im in kansas and always fish at night
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    Obama approval trending downward-is this because we are seeing his true...

    ...beliefs finally? The more Obama speaks-the more the American people see that we elected a radical left-wing ideologue. Never has America been under such attack--and this time it is from within.
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    Is Iraq the last stop for the 2009 American Apologist tour?

    We are bad, we are sorry, we were mostly responsible for creating this mess, we will do better, please don't send us on timeout. Is President Obama all done or is there more countries he is going to try and appease? Why is a US President bowing to a Saudia Arabian king who didn't bow back...
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    What is the on-raod price of Hero Honda Pleasure in Hyderabad as of now?

    why not call the dealer in hyderabad ? i used to own a hydera,but it was good.
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    starting a new bike club?

    want to start a new harley riders club,since in the past week alone i've been accused of being racist,sexist,and bitter,all new applicants must be of like mind. since it's a harley club,we wont ride too much,we'll just pose beside the bikes at the hotel,and scare the average citizen with our...
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    Nes 2.3.1 iphone Game Genie help!!?

    Everytime i enter a code into the emulator on my iphone it boots me out after i try to start the game. Can anybody give me a walkthrough on how to do this properly?
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    nes 2.3.1 for the iphone Game Genie help?

    I have been trying to get the game genie to work on the nes emulator! every time i enter a code the nes emulator just closes! Can anybody give me detailed explanation on how to use game genie on the nes 3.2.1??????
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    1995 harley sporty 1200 (REGULARS )?

    i'm back again,old lady tried to shoot me thanksgiving week-end,wtf,i'll have to help her with her aim i guess. wont be on as much as usual,had to switch to dial-up,sucks big time. why cant you put a booger back once you pull it out ?
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    1995 harley sportster....attire ?

    i love dressing up like a gay pirate,in fact the urge is so strong and frequent,that i went out and bought a sportster just so i had an excuse to wear my leathers. the problem is that its the end of riding season here in western canaduh,and my wife says i can't dress up any more,(i wear the...
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    pistol/handgun thing please help not a hunting question ok?

    Standard, Compact and Subcompact are the sizes of the handgun with subcompact being the smallest size and used a lot when a weapon needs to be concealed. A compensator is on the end of the barrel and can be used on pistols or rifles. It vents some of the muzzle blast through slots in the end...
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    how to watch dvd from different region?

    my friend bought lord of the rings trilogy at 2nd hand store and when he got it home to watch he found that he couldnt watch it as it was different region from uk region or eurpean region, the dvd's are us region so is there any other way to watch these dvd's ????????
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    How can i put a sprocket on the other side of a tire on schwinn stingray occ bike?

    you're pretty demanding for someone asking for help,i guess you're out of luck here
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    Does the overwhelming amount of questions on YA politics about Palin show...

    ...Biden was a huge failure? Seems the Democrats are getting very worried and are trying to stop the train that is McCain/Palin. When was the last time we heard a question about Joe Biden? Seems Obama's first big decision to make and he fouls out to the catcher by picking a lifetime Washington...
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    why do sport-bike riders always ask questions about harleys ?

    seems like the squidders are more interested in asking asinine questions about Harley's,than about their own brand of bike,could this be because they are too afraid to ask a harley rider in person ? hey tushi....hiding behind your mamma's pc again eh ?why dont you im me so we can have a chat...
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    1995 harley sportster 1200?

    i cant find reverse on my bike,where is it ? also,the airconditioning wont shut off,what should i do ? i filled the radiator up with gas,will this be dangerous ?
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    what kind of (wannabe) bike has snoop bought now ?

    he wont tell us the make/model,only that its japp,lets get some bets going here. i say its a hero honda hunk from bangalore. shaun, e-mail me directly at [email protected]
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    if you were born as a harley-davidson?

    what other make of bike would you sleep with in order to make the ultimate mini-me ?
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    xbox repaired the same console i sent to them for the ring of death!!!?

    I want to know what they replaced in my console. Microsoft customer support said there is no notes on the repair and i'm definetly getting the same console back. So what did they do ?
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    What does microsoft replace in your xbox 360 if they ship the same console back?

    I sent mine in for repair becaus I recieved the ring of death. MS rapair center recieved it on Friday and it was to be shipped back the next day so they only had it for one day. What was replaced on my console anyone have a simular situation??
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    What? Xbox Shipped my old 360 back?

    I shipped my xbox back to the repair center for the ring of death. My Q is they did not replace my console with a new or refurbished console I want to know what they replaced. I called xbox customer service to try to get more information. They said there was no information on what was replaced...