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  1. H

    Please follow me on Instagram!!!?

    My username is hollytout13 ! Please please please get as many people as possible to follow me... I need to beat my friends who have 537 follows at least!! Pweaseeeeeeeee xxx
  2. H

    On the old blackberry pearls can you download facebook and other original apps?

    I want a blackberry pearl..but I also want to be able to have my facebook app and hopefully a few others..Can you get the same apps as any other smart phone would get?
  3. H

    Can you get the jelly bean update for the Samsung Galaxy NOTE 10.1 tablet in...

    ...Australia and is it free? What is ice cream sandwich/jelly bean and can I get the newest updates for the tablet in Australia? Thanks, please be specific I am not a 'tech head'. Thanks! :)
  4. H

    How do the Australian models of the Samsung Galaxy NOTE 10.1 tablet differ from

    America's version? I hear that in Australia we don't have the sim card slot? Do we still have the remote control function? Is the jelly bean upgrade available in Australia for free?
  5. H

    Lambroghinis, Maserati's (expensive cars) on south beach miami- are they...

    ...owned or rented? I see them being driven around and parked on the side of the main road a lot. Where do these people go? Upscale bars or restaurants or something?
  6. H

    What are some good Sci-Fi tv shows?

    I have been trying to find a new Sci-Fi show and have tried Supernatural and Primeval but just can't seem to get into them. I already watch and love Torchwood, Doctor Who, Sherlock and Continuum. Thanks.
  7. H


    hey guys.. um i am looking for dramas (canto or taiwanese) that i can watch. i watched um moonlight resonance which i reaaally liked. i also watched smiling pasta, but i didnt really like it cause it was kinda cutesy? hah~ I also watched Fated to love you, which was also alright. So im looking...
  8. H

    How to bring the feeling of Outdoors Indoors?

    I have two indoor cats that beg to go outside everyday, I wish i could let them, but my neighbor's dogs will literally kill and eat them, so I can't. :( So if you can give me ideas of how to give my cats an 'outdoor' experience while staying indoors it would be greatly appriciated. I thought...
  9. H

    How good is the iPhone 4?

    Im getting one next week, whats the good things about the iphone 4 and whats the bad things about the iphone 4 ? PLEASE HELP :) also how much is the 8gb 16gb and 32gb ??? and how much does 8gbs hold and how much does 16gbs hold and how much does 32gb's hold??
  10. H

    In Harry potter and the halfblood prince, what is the book sitting on Tom

    riddle desk at the orphanage? In Dumbledores memory of Tom riddle as a child their is a book sitting on his desk with a few loose sheets in it, what is this?
  11. H

    Good diet for a golden bell frog/ southern?

    Hi. I have a frog, but I'm actually sure not breed she is/ gender. I completely guess the gender so I don't care, but I want to know a good diet for her. She is two years old, and I have raised her since she was small. She is brown when she hides, and green with golden spots when she jumps...
  12. H

    Can i buy a freefonix dvd?

    i really use to love freefonix but i cant find anywhere to watch it now, and i found out there use to be freefonix dvd. i was wondering if theres anywhere i can buy one from?
  13. H

    Did you ever have a crush on a cartoon character?

    Lol I had a crush on Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender. I know you all are judging me. He was hot, okay? I was just wondering if any of you have had a cartoon crush before. I'm bored :/
  14. H

    Rogers wife? what do u think?

    Hi all tennis time again. Australian open 2013. What does everyone think of roger federers wife?
  15. H

    Zoo Keeper IPhone Game Help?

    I have just brought Zoo Keeper Vs on iPhone. At first things were going great, but after the robo boss I keep loosing to other players! I get my points higher than them, but I still loose! Even one time I got 50 points and the opponent got 0, and still beat me! Tell me what I am doing wrong...
  16. H

    Will an iphone 3gs transfer spotlight history to new iphone4?

    i recently broke my iphone 3gs and i had deleted.texts on my spotlight history im now changing to an iphone4 will that info be on ny iphone4 when my sim goes in or will it stay on the iphone 3gs device?
  17. H

    My mom thinks my hair looks beautiful but dad laughed really hard at it?

    So, I streightened my hair and teased it (it looks a little bit like emo hair) but not that mom said "u look beautiful omg u look like a model..ect." & my dad (i didnt show it to him, I was actually trying to hide it) he noticed and started laughing like hes trying not to laugh but it...
  18. H

    My mom thinks my hair looks beautiful but dad laughed really hard at it?

    So, I streightened my hair and teased it (it looks a little bit like emo hair) but not that mom said "u look beautiful omg u look like a model..ect." & my dad (i didnt show it to him, I was actually trying to hide it) he noticed and started laughing like hes trying not to laugh but it...
  19. H

    My mom thinks my hair looks beautiful but dad laughed really hard at it?

    So, I streightened my hair and teased it (it looks a little bit like emo hair) but not that mom said "u look beautiful omg u look like a model..ect." & my dad (i didnt show it to him, I was actually trying to hide it) he noticed and started laughing like hes trying not to laugh but it...
  20. H

    My mom thinks my hair looks beautiful but dad laughed really hard at it?

    So, I streightened my hair and teased it (it looks a little bit like emo hair) but not that mom said "u look beautiful omg u look like a model..ect." & my dad (i didnt show it to him, I was actually trying to hide it) he noticed and started laughing like hes trying not to laugh but it...