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  1. P

    POLL:: About Religion......?

    Biggest most successful business worldwide or Real stuff actual stuff... or.... State your own opinion :) Thank you everyone!! ?
  2. P

    Do you think Santa picks up day laborers at Home Depot to help build toys?

    It's hard to tell... They are good at building BIG toys, Asians have smaller hands and more precise eyesight
  3. P

    Poll for Ladies: Do you like men with....?

    Facial hair? or No Facial Hair? I'm a sucker for Facial hair! Thank you everyone!!
  4. P

    SURVEY:: Aside form the Internet...?

    What is one program on your computer you could NOT be without? Thank you everyone!!!!
  5. P

    SURVEY:: When was the last time....?

    You received an email that left you speechless...? I just did a few minutes ago... I don't know what it is I feel other than the obvious response I gave in reply... Thank you everyone
  6. P

    SURVEY:: Who do you turn to for advice?

    When you are in need of it A) Close friends B) Parents C) Professionals D) Prayer E) "No one, I'm the King of the World" F) Other, explain :D
  7. P

    Is your future sister-in-law dumber than a pole dancer? Trivia???

    Let's find out!! Contestant #1 - Candy has been pole dancing for 3 years, says this profession has paid her education. Let's find out if she is right :) Contestant #2 - The Future Sister-in-Law, claims she has been going to school for 2 years.... right.. First Question: What are the 3 major...
  8. P

    SURVEY:: Is your pillow .......?

    replacing anyone when you sleep? Thank you everyone!
  9. P

    SURVEY:: Should we all follow this fashion trend?

    Since gas prices are rising and food prices are rising as well.. Please look closely at the picture :) Thank you everyone for answering!!
  10. P

    SURVEY:: Where is your next....?

    Vacation to? Thank you everyone!!!!
  11. P

    SURVEY:: Last night...?

    Did you go to bed smiling? Thank you everyone!
  12. P

    SURVEY:: Does smoke get in your eyes...?

    After an old flame dies? thank you everyone!
  13. P

    SURVEY::: What is the ONE thing....?

    You will NEVER invest on? Thank you?
  14. P

    SURVEY:: How many of you...?

    Talk to some of your contacts on the phone?