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  1. S

    PB Nation Football team

    Looking at Starting the PBN Thunder football team Got to represet the offtopic Let me know when you sign up and what your name and position are and BAM we can get this team going!!!
  2. S

    Your art?

    OK, how about a thread for the art that some of us do? Just to start the ball rolling, obviously it's not finished yet, but:
  3. S

    how do u permanently delete songs from limewire?

    Ya know once in a while you get a crappy version of a song, how do u completey get rid of it?
  4. S

    I really like the movie Assaination of Jesse James, anyone else?

    I just thought it was a great movie especially the acting, what do u you think about it? ha I hear that alot.. "too long and boring" regardless it stuck with me and is my new favorite movie
  5. S

    I really like the movie Assaination of Jesse James, anyone else?

    I just thought it was a great movie especially the acting, what do u you think about it? ha I hear that alot.. "too long and boring" regardless it stuck with me and is my new favorite movie