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    Ghost Fighting!!!

    Check this out!!! this guy gets KO'd and is so out of it is still throwing jabs on his back!! Just shows how messed up you get when you get Knocked out like that! Dude having convulsions or something?
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    94 Honda Accord engine makes a rattling sound when driving if it's not warmed up for

    several minutes? This started a few months ago. Is the engine on its last legs?
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    Scariest toy commercial EVER

    I just stumbled upon this video today, and I think I'm going to have nightmares for the next few weeks. The only way I could think of making myself feel better was to come on MAP and share it with others with the hope that you all will absorb some of my terror...
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    I died in hell,thy called it Passchendaele

    These are the words of Siegfried Sassoon,a famus Britisch war poet. He was not exagerating,the 3rd Battle of Ypres was perhaps the worst of WW1,now 90 years ago. The offencive started with huge mine explosions,surprising the germans and forced them to give up a part of thair line. Then the...
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    what's the best blueray player?

    around £150-£200
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    what's the best blueray player?

    around £150-£200
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    Poll: What's your favorite vehicle - Hummer or Ram?

    Have you ever had one?
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    A coworker spreading a rumor to my boss about me leaving the company for a new job?

    Hi all, thanks for any help you can provide on this. In short, I wore a suit to work one day (without a tie) in my business casual office. I hadnt dropped off my dry cleaning in a while and was running short on clothes. I also happened to come in an hour late that day, but I had told my boss...
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    I have a Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS and now it won't power up, what is wrong?

    I've tried using the on/off button, and plugging it into my car and the ac outlet. I was using it yesterday. The battery could be bad but would a dead battery not allow it to start when it's plugged in? help!
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    Put a mtn bike chain back on?

    I have a Roadmaster Mountain Sport SX bike and my back bolt came off and (i think its called a derailluer) fell off and so did the chain. Now I cannot figure out how to put it back on I asked an online expert but it didnt help. Also idk at what angle to set the derailluer, what gear to put the...
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    What do you call cheese that is "not your cheese"?

    this is a good joke. if u get it ill give u cookie.