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    how do you get free talk apps on blackberry curve 8250?

    Wi-Fi is connected but do not know where to search or if possible
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    Barrels of FUN
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    Could one make a case of child abuse related to doomsday predictions?

    This 2012 thing has a lot of people scared. I know it's bunk and there is no astronomical or historical basis for the claims being made. When the media promote belief in this, could someone possibly make a class action child abuse case out of it? There is already one confirmed teen suicide as...
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    Could one make a case of child abuse related to doomsday predictions?

    This 2012 thing has a lot of people scared. I know it's bunk and there is no astronomical or historical basis for the claims being made. When the media promote belief in this, could someone possibly make a class action child abuse case out of it? There is already one confirmed teen suicide as...
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    Could one make a case of child abuse related to doomsday predictions?

    This 2012 thing has a lot of people scared. I know it's bunk and there is no astronomical or historical basis for the claims being made. When the media promote belief in this, could someone possibly make a class action child abuse case out of it? There is already one confirmed teen suicide as...
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    Mid-Atlantic tidal fishing question?

    Is there any kind of decent fishing in intertidal/estuarine areas in the mid-Atlantic states from now until spring?
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    How do i build a coumpound machine that will pick up a film canister?

    I need it for a science project. Please help me!
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    Who would like to make a prediction about what kinds of things the LHC will reveal?

    I know our old friend, Mercury 2010,(who has had to spend less time here in the last few months), is eager to see them discover the Higgs Boson. He is hopeful that string theory will be confirmed and that would give support to M-theory. Friends that we are, I don't think it will happen. What...
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    Do you think the conspiracy/hoax nuts tend more to be conservative or liberal?

    The 2012 predictions, the government UFO/alien coverup, the fake moon missions, the US government being behind the 9-11 attacks. Do you think the believers in these things tend to be more to the right, more to the left, or equally mixed?
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    On a scale from 1 to 10: how mad will you get when someone comes here on

    12/22/12 with a new doomsday prophecy I think I'll feel sorry for the person ... right after we flame him/her to a fine cinder ash. Flying car, you just did what I was talking about and then said this stuff gets annoying. Huh?? Bob, yeah. The list is therapeutic. (It's up to 22 now.) You're...