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  1. J

    How to cite this DVD in MLA style?

    I need to cite the DVD "Stark Raving Black" in a research paper that I am doing. (details can be found here: I went to, and it told me to cite it like this: Black, Lewis, Dir. Stark Raving Black. Dir. Dubin...
  2. J

    Can anyone reccommend me some apps for iPhone 4?

    So I had $15 and so far got Angry Birds, DoodleJump and Plants vs. Zombies and I sitll have $9 left. Any noteworth apps or games to buy? And what do you think about Sonic 2 or 4? Which one's superior, and is it worth it? How about iMovie? This is for an iPhone 4 btw. Thanks! :D 0
  3. J

    where to buy laptop parts?

    hey, i've search all over the internet for sites where you can buy laptop components. i've had a look on the amd site too but it doesnt have a shop area for laptop hardware i'd like to buy this new cpu AMD Turion II Ultra Dual-Core Mobile M660 i want to upgrade my laptop. where can i find it?
  4. J

    what nutrition facts should i watch for and what does my body need the most?

    nutrition facts in food
  5. J

    95 honda prelude questions?

    need to know where to buy or get the trunk board, the carpet and the liner that goes around the inside of the trunk mine was bare nothing when i got her and i checked my salvage yards here in panama city and they dont have any preludes there and if they do there are no parts left in them at all...
  6. J

    What cord is my best choice for hooking a home theater to my computer?

    OKay. So I can think of two options, maybe you guys can think of more. I don't have an HDMI port on my laptop. However, two cables I can use are... RCA to USB or RCA to Headphone Jack. WHich would works best?
  7. J

    Can I plug a home theater system up to my laptop?

    I'm looking for a theater system I can use for both my laptop and my TV. I have a desktop computer set up under my HDTV. I use the HD as a monitor. I've also got a laptop. I'm going to buy a surround sound system to go around the tv, and one I can also use for my laptop. So, can I get...
  8. J

    Not sure if I have the cold, flu or bronchitis, or something else entirely.?

    My nose is stuffy. It feels like a sinus infection, but I know it's not, because of my other symptoms: It started slowly last sunday with a cough, that was intermittent, but gradually grew worse. I cannot stop coughing, and the coughs are violent. Up until earlier today, sputum would be...
  9. J

    my saab 900 sensonic sometimes dont revers i put it in revers an it just revs... dont move what is the problem? I often find my car wont revers but when i turn of engin or try a few times it will work at some point so its not as if it dnt work at all just some times it wont revers at all an revs as if is not in gear
  10. J

    How do you jailbreak an ipod touch 2.2 firmware 2G?

    I know absolutely nothing about jailbreaking an ipod touch. I have no idea what firmware means or how you're even supposed to go about jailbreaking an ipod touch. I just know you can do it and it's awesome. Anyways, I've spent two days trying to find a website to help me... I found nothing...
  11. J

    What's the best of the best you can get for a Honda Accord?

    Okay. Say you're a millionaire that loves to get scrap cars and fix them up simply because.... Well you have a passion and the money. So, you're walking through a junk yard when you come across the body frame of a Honda Accord. Possible a '97, '98, '99, or a 2000 model. You look under the...
  12. J

    What Italian spices should I use when making cheese sticks?

    In my foods class we got a recipe for cheese sticks. We haven't actually cooked it in class yet, but I decided to cook it at home. After mixing the dough, letting it rise, and all that good stuff, it says to bake 5 minutes. After that it says take it out, cover top with Italian spices and...
  13. J

    Loudest speaker brands?

    does anyone know the list of the loudest speaker brands?
  14. J

    questions about boat trim fluid?

    how do i empty the trim fluid thats in the hydrolic thing now, to put new in? and how do i tell how much is in there already? after i take the old gear fluid out do i put the new in thru the vent hole? thanks.
  15. J

    does anyone know about boats?

    i mixed oil in my gas and changed gear and trim fluid and the boat is staying in the garage it'll be taken out every other weekend what else should i do to keep it in good shape during the winter, because it WILL be used during the winter. is there any other maintenance that needs to be done...
  16. J

    What herbs and spices would you recommend using to bread chicken?

    Something that goes with gravy, mashed potatoes, and chicken. I've got Curry, black pepper, lemon pepper, sage, giner, cloves, bay, and probably some others. What do you think? I'm making something quick for a movie.
  17. J

    What brands of speakers are the loudest for car audio?

    not subs, mid range, mid bass and full range speakers
  18. J

    Do I need to set my car amplifiers gain to max to get the max power out of it?

    I want to get my amplifiers full power, should i set the gain to max or is there another way to do this? Im using this amp fir full range speakers, not sub if that helps
  19. J

    What should I look for when buying a car audio equalizer?

    I need a good equalizer (signal processors) for my car system. What are the most important things I should look at when buying this?
  20. J

    What should I look for when buying a car audio equalizer?

    I need a good equalizer (signal processors) for my car system. What are the most important things I should look at when buying this?