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  1. S

    Clique 09

    Hi. :france:
  2. S

    My friend has some "sexuality" issues...?

    A friend of mine told me just a couple of days ago that he might be gay but he is confused. He moves like a gay person but he grew up with little to no male contact when he was young. Anyway, he said, he is attracted only physically attracted to men with limited emotional attraction to them...
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    How do you lose gay mannerisms? ?

    I apparently have gay mannerisms. I grew up surrounded by women (cousins) and well, I grew up to have different mannerisms that could be considered as gay. People say I move like one and etc. I do not mind since I know who I am... just tired of it. I don't want to look manly or anything but...
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    Sony Ericson phones?

    Are their phones sturdy? I am a bit of a rough user and would like to know.
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    How to get fat?

    Yes, I am serious in getting fat because I don't like how thin I am. Eating a lot won't help because I have a very fast metabolism (I ate more than you think). What is the best way to get fat? Not exercising won't help either coz I barely move and do nothing during the day. Too bad that there...