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  1. D

    Will my normal DVD player look better in HD?

    We just got a HD tv and to my amazement I've noticed that our DVD player has HD sockets in the back, meaning I could connect my tv and (normal old fashioned non blue ray) DVD players together. Will my picture actually get much better? Is it a more effective way to transmit the picture or...
  2. D

    What do all the letters on my driving licence mean?

    I know A is full motorcycle (I hope, otherwise I am driving illegally!) and B is car. What in particular are B1 (small van?), f, k, p?
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    Will my normal DVD player look better in HD?

    We just got a HD tv and to my amazement I've noticed that our DVD player has HD sockets in the back, meaning I could connect my tv and (normal old fashioned non blue ray) DVD players together. Will my picture actually get much better? Is it a more effective way to transmit the picture or...
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    Bike chain round waist?

    So I had to put my bike chain (as in the one I use to lock it up) round my waist to get it to work today. On arriving my boss said "ooh, you have to be careful with your chain round your waist, but I'm sure you've heard all the horror stories...". I was too embarressed to admit I hadn't, so...
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    Not using my fuel tap on my bike?

    I have always been in the habit of turning my petrol tap to off before I leave my bike for any length of time, but the tap is now jamming and needs a spanner to move(!). So I'm wondering, if I put my bike on the side stand and leave the tap at 'on', will I lose all my petrol? A tiny bit of it...
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    When are the ATT exam results out/what's the quickest I can see if I have passed?

    Their website is appauling so no help there. Apparently they are being posted today but is there a quicker way than waiting till tomorrow night to get my post? Eg some online list?
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    Unbiased media?

    So after watching Fiona try and climb into the McCanns backsides on GMTV this morning I wondered, do you feel that truly impartial interviewers no longer exist? Also she made a comparisson that the McCann Tapas event was only the same as if you left your child in the car while you nipped into...
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    Interesting fact about Hitler?

    Did you know that not long after Hitler invaded Poland and caused harm to countless innocents he did a documentary saying how he almost didn't and actually considered acting like a decent human being and staying at home to listen to the radio instead?
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    Cause of death of a corn snake?

    I woke up this morning to find one of my corn snakes had died in the night. She was only 10 but was the 'runt' of the clutch as she never grew as big as the rest of her family. She ate last night as normal, so I have no idea why she died. But when I found her she had bitten herself on the...