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  1. L

    maclaren grand tour lx?

    ive been looking for a pram for my baby due in the summer and mostly everyone i speak to say to get a maclaren. I no they are good buggies as i had one for my daughter when she was younger but i want a buggy where the baby can face me until he is a bit older and the maclaren buggies such as xlr...
  2. L

    I'm experiencing some back pain...?

    I'm sure it's nothing serious, but just yesterday i've been experiencing back pain on the right side of my scapula and all the way down my back and somewhere along my ribs. It hurts only when i breathe out, or laugh. I thought that maybe it could be that i was on the computer for too long last...
  3. L

    Help with LG Chocolate (VX8550) ringtone setting?

    I recently got a brand new LG Chocolate VX8550 that hasn't been programmed for Verizon. But I had it Flashed/Reprogrammed for MetroPCS. I set my ringtones and alert tones to the ones that came already preloaded with the phone, but every time somebody texts or calls me all i hear is a voice tone...
  4. L

    Need contact details of a good cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai?

    My earlobes are on the verge of getting cut because of wearing earrings. I need a good surgeon in Mumbai who can fix this up. Thanks.
  5. L

    what will happen to my beta fish- PLEASE HELP ME?

    i am running low on the water purifier for my fish's tank. i have less than 1/2 a cap and i need to clean 2 tanks. i won't be able 2 make it to the store to get the stuff - i am takin them somewhere 2morrow 4 others to c their beauty. if i can get 2 the store 2morrow i will anly b able 2 go 2...
  6. L

    what type of pups sell best?

    the past few months i've been looking 4 a pup. i have expirience with dogs but i'd like 2 start breeding. i no breeding is not something u can depend 2 make u rich, and i understand there is a lot of work and lots of knowledge about dogs u need 2 have 2 begin bredding. if ur a breeder give me...