Search results

  1. R

    Affordable Clothes Store in New Orleans?

    We need to buy elegant (but not over the top) clothes to attend a wedding reception. We do not want to spend much and we'd like a large store, where we will have many options. Not Walmart but not expensive either. Something in the middle, still very affordable and offering decent quality...
  2. R

    Alt Codes Not Working Properly?

    I always thought that Alt + 227 was supposed to show up the pi symbol, but instead is shows ?. Other Alt Codes are also behaving strangely. Please help. Thank you.
  3. R

    Parents Accused of Drugging Kids so They Could Party

    Wife - "Let's go out tonight darling" Husband - "sorry darling, we haven't got enough drugs for both us & the kids." Parents Accused of Drugging Kids so They Could Party...
  4. R

    If I play a DVD on my computer, will it still work in the DVD player?

    It might sound like a stupid question but I want to know if it will still work in the DVD player after I play it on the computer. Can this affect the disc or change it somehow?
  5. R

    Saint Bill of Gates?
  6. R

    I had a dream about this guy, then saw him at the gym the next day?

    I had a dream we were playing in a school gym (we were friends when we were in elementary/middle school) so, we were playing, and i felt really happy like we were really close and stuff. Well, the next day, I saw him at the gym I workout at 3 times a week. I've been going to that gym for about...
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    Samsung Gusto VS. Lg Prime?

    Should I get the Lg Prime or the Samsung Gusto? Please tell me why you choose your answer.
  8. R

    Isn't this one of the funniest religious video's you've ever seen?

    Nothing innapropriate:
  9. R

    Isn't it funny to listen to Christian Zionists? Especially televangelists like

    John Hagee? Those people make me sick. They believe in sending American (and Canadian, and European) lives to die for a country like Israel, that shouldn't even exist. I believe that Israel is the most dangerous nation on the planet. They are more of a threat then all the terrorists combined...
  10. R

    why wont t9 work on my lg shine after i have turned it on?

    t9 was working on my lg shine then it suddenly stopped. it will not go back to t9 from normal messaging even when it says it is on. what can i do to fix this? i have tried all the turning off and on and removing the battery. i have switch t9 off and on many times and it still wont work. if...
  11. R

    LGBT: What's your current favorite song(s)? I need new ones for my iPod lol.?

    My favorites of the moment are: For What Its Worth - Placebo Pumpkin Soup - Kate Nash No Compromise - Oakenfold Feed Your Mind- Oakenfold
  12. R

    My fingertips are dry lol?

    I use body butter from Bath and Body Works. My skin is soft and smooth everywhere except my fingertips. Its the weirdest thing. They're like.. flaky. o.O Why might this be? How do I fix it? Its an annoying feeling.
  13. R

    Why is my iphone showing nearly 4gb of "other"?

    In the itunes sync screen it is showing nearly 4gb of "other" what the hell is taking up so much space? Its not music, photos or apps because thats listed elsewhere
  14. R

    what is my fashion style?

    I mean am I preppy, emo, etc for my clothing style. I wear west 49 (the canadian equivelant to pac sun) American eagle, And Aeropostale mostly. I also wear a bit of the gap and old navy. I wear Mostly Black, Blue, brown, red, and grey. I dont where hollister or abercrombie because we dont...
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    My Phone Won't Recieve (Or Send) Picture Messages..?

    Its Says I Need A MMS Profile..? What Do I Put In? (On Vodafone)
  16. R

    Does Anyone Elses Sony Ericsson W580i Break A Lot?

    My Sony Ericsson (W580i) breaks heaps, i've had it for about 6 months and ive had to send it back to the manufacuturor 2 times already. Some Problems Are: -Keys Breaking In Half -The 'Back' Button Does Not Work -Then The 'Back Button' Falls Out -The Bottom Part Of The Key Pad Falling Off (The...
  17. R

    Can anyone tell me what the title of this piece of music in the good the bad and the

    ugly is? It's the track when Eli Wallach is running through the graveyard toward the end of the film.
  18. R

    i just downloaded a torrent it is a rar. file i extract it and it find an error cus

    its corrupt or unknown? 1.By the way the file is super smash bros melee not downloading it again it takes 2 days! 3.Im gonna blow up the world with a nucular bomb unless you give me an answer that works LoL!
  19. R

    What's the Best Way To Meet A Guy To Date?

    I will be living on a college campus next semester. Do you think I should just try to guess which guys I think might be gay/bi or should I join a LGBT club or something? Thanks. By the way, I have never dated a guy before, only girls. I am a little hesitant about even trying this.