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  1. P

    PLEASE please tell me what should I do ? feeling very scared of my future ......?

    I am a 21 yr old male . Right since my childhood , I've been different from the rest of the boys in my social life & playing domain. I never took part in sports or other activities which are typically associated with boys and which instill in boys a sense of confidence and morale , which in my...
  2. P

    Banks Financing Mexico Gangs Admitted in BofA and Wells Fargo Deal

    This is probably news to most around here I'd like to get everybody's take on this. I keep this bookmarked on my iPhone for whenever I enter a Bank of America, or a Wells Fargo branch, because sure enough, the manager is standing by the door on the way out and they always seem to ask me if...
  3. P

    which drug you believe is more damaging to health – marijuana, alcohol or

    tobacco? why? which drug you believe is more damaging to health – marijuana, alcohol or tobacco? why?.
  4. P

    Problems with Samsung Glyde?

    I have a Samsung Glyde and whenever I send someone a picture message it only takes a second for the screen to pop and say it 100% sent which anyone knows is way too fast to send a picture. It will say that the message was sent and delivered successfully but that person won't actually get it...
  5. P

    T-mobile Phones??? T-mobile Dash vs. T-mobile Blackberry Pearl.?

    I'm changing phone services and have decided on T-mobile, however, I can't decide on the phone. I have narrowed it down to the T-mobile Dash and the Blackberry Pearl(not the 8120 yet to be released). I am use to a full keyboard so these were my best choices. I know that both allow you to...