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  1. D

    Stolen laptop turns into epicness...

    this situation is getting ridiculous and its worth the read. it just happened today and is still going on. it starts getting really funny towards pg 9 or so. tl;dr- guy gets his laptop stolen from his home and is watching the kid browse granny...
  2. D

    holiday help?

    i need a site that lets me get the deal holiday deals. i want to go on holidays in like 2 days time - surly there is a site that lets me get the last seat or room on something. i would like to leave from sydney and i would like the trip to be about a week. any ideas.
  3. D

    Last minute holiday ideas + where i can book them and get the baes value?

    hey im looking to book a holiday leaving in the next couple days for a week and need to know the best sites to use to get best last minute deals. i dont care if its a trip to thailand, bali or whatever as long as i get a good deal. surly there is a site that lets you get the last couple seats...