Search results

  1. T

    Will the "Conversation with George W. Bush" event at Calgary Telus Conv....

    ...Ctre. be big event in news & Media? The $1,000 per plate event - dinner is his first Fundraiser as an Ex-President beyond friendly Dallas environs - - what's the mood in that region of Canada ? ? from CALGARY HERALD story-coverage last month Bush will share his “thoughts on his eight...
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    Have many Presidents or Vice-Presidents appeared in regular Movies/

    Feature Films?Can you name several? (10 pt? Can you name several Presidents or Vice-Presidents who've appeared in Feature Films (fiction or non-fiction)? Not actors playing the ROLE of President but the actual men who've served in the Executive Branch (from George Washington-John Adams up to...
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    Access Hollywood fans: Will host Billy Bush do segment this Monday on his uncle's... battleship? The 37-year-old host of ACCESS HOLLYWOOD (syndicated entertainment news "magazine") was not featured in the NBC news 6:30 - 7 p.m. coverage of the U.S.S. George H.W. Bush Battleship dedication today (Jan. 10, 2009) - - from WIKIPEDIA article-bio "William Hall "Billy" Bush...
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    Q for Anchorage/Juneau residents (Nov. 18 a holiday?) - 10 points?

    TO: Alaskans Please tell me if by Tuesday 11/18/2008 there are still to-be-counted ballots, will your Governor declare it to be a day to honor your 85-year-old Senator ? Best answer gets 10 points - - posted on Nov. 8, 4:40 p.m. Eastern time - - here's part of a Wiki article about the Senior...
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    Will V-P Cheney travel to Minneapolis-St. Paul convention to give Bush's speech?

    BREAKING NEWS: Pres. Bush will not speak to the Republican Political Party convention to nominate the McCain-Palin ticket due to concerns of the approach of Hurricane Gustav on Monday night. . .Will Bush & Cheney instead offer a video link-up and wave at the delegates from an "undisclosed location"?
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    Is Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin against ANWAR drilling as is John McCain?

    The Republican Political Party platform kept in a provision in deference to John McCain's to NOT allow drilling in the sensitive wildlife area of far northern Alaska. What about the Republican governor of the 49th State? thanks!
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    Will you march for "Workers' Rights" on Monday (federal holiday)?

    Or will you watch from the sidelines in your local community's "Labor Day" parade? does the holiday remain unnoticed in your part of the U.S.? it is observed internationally I believe on May 1. Correct?
  8. T

    How old will this celebrity guest (13th time on LENO) be Friday?

    10 points for the correct number - - here's the advance wrap-up already on WASHINGTONPOST dot-com McCain and Jay Leno Joke About His Age By Michael D. Shear BURBANK, Calif. -- Bowing to the inevitability that Jay Leno would crack jokes about his age, Sen. John McCain came armed with one of his...
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    Coverage of 2 political conventions by the late Tim Russert's son (recent...

    ...Boston Coll. grad)? Will you watch? Wash. Post is reporting concerning the Democratic and Republican conventions that they have hired for "youth coverage" the only child of the late MEET_THE_PRESS host. . ."Luke Russert's role was announced as NBC detailed its plans for the Democratic...
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    Will 8.8.08 be a great holiday to celebrate? a day where human rights of...

    ...Tibetans are trampled? Are you looking forward to 8.8.08? I know that NBC and its employees (like Tom Brokaw on today's MEET WITH PRESS - London edition) are wanting the world to watch the commercial-laden sports fest. . .what about you?
  11. T

    Dark Knight - - will weekend box office exceed $140 million (last year's

    Pirates' Opening weekend)? Can you guess the number precisely or within some margin of error? - - 10 points for best guess as far as reported total come next Monday (July 21) - - good luck
  12. T

    Did TIME_Magazine lose journalistic objectivity & non-partisan status:

    declaring Afghanistan "the right war"?,16641,20080728,00.html cover - - weblink Do you think that the War on Terror is a global war? Do you agree with the recent Iraq U.S. involvement "Time Horizon" worked out between Bush (not up for re-election) and Nouri...
  13. T

    Ehud Olmert visits the White House: Will the media ask questions about

    popularity and successors only? George W. Bush (historic lowest ratings as far as U.S. poll results) - - Ehud Olmert (Prime Minister being urged by his own party to resign) - - is the media watching and asking questions of these world leaders?
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    June 2 (Tonight Show - Jay Leno) - - pre-empted and scrubbed utterly?

    Will NBC show the Monday night, June 2, 2008 episode of Jay Leno's Talk Show? Here on the East Coast it was pre-empted by three overtimes in the NHL Finals (Game 5) - - because the Pittsburgh team fought back against the Detroit Red Wings there will be a game 6 (also in Prime Time) - - will the...
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    NPR "Weekend Edition" question: Film Celebrity change words with "G" & "T"?

    NPR "Weekend Edition" question: Film Celebrity change words with "G" & "T"? Name a famous male movie star. Change the first letter of his first name to a G and change the last letter of his last name to a T. The result will be two words that are synonyms. Who is the movie star and what are the...
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    Was this the best anniversary for Israel's founding (Olmert greeted Bush)?

    "We consider the Holy Land a very special place and we consider the Israeli people our close friends," US President George W. Bush said Wednesday upon arrival in Israel. US President Bush hugs Prime Minister Ehud Olmert during a welcoming ceremony upon his arrival in Ben Gurion airport near...
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    Will Clark / Kal-el on SMALLVILLE (CW drama series) activate the Legion of

    Superheroes? Do you have a prediction of what will happen for the showdown / season ending episodes?