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  1. C

    Can a motorola xoom tablet?

    I'm look for a Laptop substitute for my mum, she really likes the look of the new "Tablet computers" . She doesn't need anything exceptionally fancy she just needs it do the basic tasks of a laptop. Do they have the capability for abode flash player? Can you type documents similar to microsoft...
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    Question for BITTER men and women? What is your story? Vent with me?

    I'm somewhat bitter myself.. so you can feel comfortable answering this question because I won't judge you. My bitterness lead me to become a "player". It seems peoples feeling about you are based on the information they have at the time. So as they learn more.. the chances of losing interest...
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    I have a question for all the ladies who complain about cheating, lying,...

    ...lousy husbands? If you all wanted a reliable, dependable, nice, caring, loyal and loving man.. WHY didn't you just marry Poindexter? Yes.. POINDEXTER.. you know.. that nerdy guy with the thick glasses, bad haircut and Masters degree. He knows random and useless facts like how many stripes a...
  4. C

    Christians. When your son says he has a date for the prom and introduces you... his boyfriend? How do you react?
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    Whats the main reason people believe in God's and Religions?

    This question is especially for Theists. Imagine if you were born in a 3rd world country where you lived in the jungle your entire life and never learned much language. Never learned how to read, write, use a computer, etc. In a situation like that.. with no other HUMANS to tell you about...
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    If God wants everyone to believe in him.. why doesn't he make his presence...

    ...more obvious? And show himself in a way the human senses can grasp? Sight, sound, touch, smell, etc. Why create doubt and make your existance so unclear... then send the people who are not convinced to hell? Then call yourself "good". Explain...
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    Why is Hollywood so liberal yet so racist at the same time?

    Most minority actors and actresses complain about only being able to get "stereotypical" roles. Minorities are rarely casted as superheros or in main roles that are not stereotypical. Why is this?
  8. C

    Christians think Atheists are "demonds"?

    Haha.. haha. Really? I love this!! Are we really that scary to you guys? Oh no!! Someone with facts! Run!
  9. C

    Christians... can you help me finish this debate over the credibility of the Bible?

    Seems like these debates always end at a point where the theist can no longer support their claims. So I will take you through the first part and let you finish: ME: How do you know the Bible isn't made up? THEIST: It was inspired by God. ME: How can you possibly know that? THEIST: No man...
  10. C

    So Christians believe in magic?

    Since they believe a magical wizard in the sky.. or where ever it is...could just wave his arm and create life, earth and the universe. They say he was "always there" so I wonder what he was going before he created everything?
  11. C

    Should i get the nokia N900 or the Nokia E72?

    Any feed back on both would be very helpfull :)
  12. C

    Where can I buy DC Skate Shoes In Australia?

    Wheeeere the hell can I find them!!! Or must I order from their site?
  13. C

    Itunes won't read Ipod nano?

    I just bought a used ipod Nano that already has a few songs on it, And i want to add a lot more, but when i plug my Ipod into the USB ports Itunes doesn't seem to read it for some reason, I've been to the apple website and nothing helped. I'm so irritated. Please tell me someone can help me?
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    Can someone tell me a timeline on the Dafur Crisis?

    I need help and I'm in a bit of a rut
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    Why don't most people recognize "media hype"?

    Most of the media is OWNED by rich people who use it to herd people like ignorant cattle. I understand fewer and fewer people have college degrees now, but it doesn't take much to see the difference in Utne Reader, or Michael Moore and MSNBC or Bill O'Reilly? There still is censorship in the...
  16. C

    Australians! Help... It literally sounds like a monster is near us at night time!?

    Ok... We have possums in our neighborhood. Both brush tail and ring tails. Ive heard them fight and growl and even make those fluttery noises. But this noise.. it is nothing like those! Its so scary. We sleep with the window to our bedroom open slightly. It has no screen, but we have checked to...
  17. C

    GEOLOGSITS, MINING ENGINEERS PLEASE ANSWER - its about my future career choice,..?

    I have a year to decide if geology and geoscience is a career for me. I am currently in my senior year of high school and engaged, soon to be married (dont question me about my choices, ok?). What is attracting me to this particular field is the money. Especially in Australia where i live, it...
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    My friend died, and she rang me up screaming about house chores?! ?

    how can my mother do this to me? Im 18 This is what happened 6 months ago: A friend of mine died. That day i had to wash Mum's bedsheets and put them out to dry. I put the sheets in the wash. In the mean time - I telephoned my best friend to say hello to her. It was school break. She sounded...
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    why are people on poll and surveys so......?

    Naive and not funny. *waits to see some wit and originality* *also waits to see someone say 'i don't know why aren't you?'*
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    theres a toddler stuck down in a well, should i throw a cellphone down to him?

    so he can call emergency services? or should i put a sandwich on a fishing line,lore it down to him and wish him good luck? that kids in quite a predicament....