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  1. C

    i cant hear the other person when calling on my iphone. only on speaker... i can hear them!? I cant hear anything the other person says when its in regular call mode. i can only hear them on speakerphone. please help! i dont have warrenty on this phone and i cant pay 200 bucks. i tried the headphone thing but it didnt work. I tried putting it in and taking it...
  2. C

    Why is my env2 freezing in the middle of texts?

    my phone keeps freezing in the middle of writing texts. why is it doing this, and how can i fix it or get it fixed?
  3. C

    If Electronica is your poison then look no further than I've been using this site for all my dance needs for the past 6 months, has both Hard Dance and Hard Core stations which I really love. However it has DNB and even Classical if you like. Check it out.
  4. C

    i downloaded songs from limewire but it wont let me burn a cd?

    i downloaded some songs and i saved them as a playlist and opened it on windows media player but when i go to burn it all of the tracks say an error has occured. so how do i make a cd from songs off of limewire?