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  1. T

    problems with itunes account?

    hi,my friend was house sitting for me whilst i was away and he used my laptop to see if he could get music off itunes.i already had my ipod touch hooked up to my laptop and had my own itunes account with my debit card set up on he has my email account and needs my password when he...
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    What should i do, i found a broken thermometer in my medicine basket and i can...

    ...not find the mercury!? I,ve notice that i have been sick for a while now could it be mercury poisoning? and how do i clean it if i cant find it?
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    Which species of chiclids is right for me?

    Thinking about setting up a 55gl chiclid only tank. Ive gotten some ideas for the tank setup but i havent found the right chiclids yet. There are so many it just confuses me. I want a nice color display out of the fish and 6" and under. Im also looking for some that are easy to find and somewhat...
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    What is the function of a tail on a dog?

    For example: On a monkey its for balance.
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    1993 buick century battery keeps dieing ?

    i have checked my alternator and battery and they are both working fine what else could be causing it to stay dead?
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    I am looking for m,y father i have tried phone books and all ways on the

    internet his name is martin r bruce s? he has a mole on his check he has blondish hair blue eyes and is tall he was living in new jersey somewhere in blairstown hackettston nj please can someone help me find him the last address i have is 201 high street hackettstown nj
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    need helppp plzzz woman only?

    i had sex on fri nighht and i was supposed to get my period on sunday but i didnt since i had sex 2days b4 my period does that mean im gunna get my period later? like sumtime this week hopefully
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    The book value of a 1998 gmc safari slt minivan, canadian?

    Wondering what Im gonna be paying in taxes once I register the vehicle
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    Is this normal? woman only plz?

    ok so i just had sex last night for the 1st time and 2day a tiny bit of blood came out of my vagina im not on my period but im scheduled to get it 2morrow and also i have this little bump on my buttcrack that hurts i don t know what to do help plz we used a condom and im also scared im gunna...
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    Wanting to puppy to pee & poop outside. Any trianing advice?

    I have a 4 month old puppy. She's an apsolute joy. She pees and poops when she goes outside, however once inside, she makes no effort to try to hold it. Im just curious does anyone have any useful tips to help this training? I dont exactly care for the rub her nose in it method. She's really...
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    I have installed DVD burner in computer.Nero vision 4 how to get the most of my disc?

    how do I configure this burner to get 16x 2 hours? I have set the record for extra long play but I can only get 1 full length movie per disc. help
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    I don't like the new Internet Explorer 7.0, how can I change the appearance

    so that its back to the original? The menu bar is lower than the address bar, the home/print/refresh buttons are way to the right, I want it back to the old layout, how do I do that? Thanks