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  1. N

    Interesting query on Microsofts rise to power!?

    Taking into account the historical and technological circumstances of Microsoft's rise to power, and the nature of today's marketplace, how could such a significant shift occurs again in the near future? Rumors of Microsoft breaking up due to breaching US anti trust laws as well.. All quite...
  2. N

    Interesting query on Microsofts rise to power!?

    Taking into account the historical and technological circumstances of Microsoft's rise to power, and the nature of today's marketplace, how could such a significant shift occurs again in the near future? Rumors of Microsoft breaking up due to breaching US anti trust laws as well.. All quite...
  3. N

    Interesting query on Microsofts rise to power!?

    Taking into account the historical and technological circumstances of Microsoft's rise to power, and the nature of today's marketplace, how could such a significant shift occurs again in the near future? Rumors of Microsoft breaking up due to breaching US anti trust laws as well.. All quite...
  4. N

    Why were the neighborhood youth pounding on my door last Sat nite and screaming

    Why didn't you open the door or raise a window and ask them?
  5. N

    If a number cube is rolled 1000 times, what is the best prediction for the...

    ...number of times the result is 4? my answer was 1 over thousand help me and explain plz
  6. N

    Congenital Iris Coloboma?

    I have congenital iris coloboma and had no problems socially through school but I am now 26 and for years have excluded myself from socializing as much as I probably would if I didn’t have the physical abnormality of my eye. I honestly get tired of people asking about it or yet alone staring and...
  7. N

    Prank with boxes! help?

    For valentines day I want to put a tiny box in a bigger box and that box into an ever bigger box.. Ect. And put a hersheys kiss in the tiny box.. But anyway Does any place sell those kinds of boxes or do I have to buy each box one by one? Thanks!
  8. N

    Love my bubbles or booty pop panties?

    Which is better padded panty? Love my bubbles or booty pop panties? People who have used them and know what they are. Negative answers, take them else where please.
  9. N

    How long do you think BB will keep going for?

    It's becoming almost the same every year. When do you think it'll stop?
  10. N

    Whats your fav Big Brother moment?

    (Of any series) Mine is Bubble and Brian dancing Brian: "hold me bubble!" Why does that surprise you lipgloss malicious biatch?
  11. N

    Why do they all cry on American Idol?

    It's really irritating. We can't all be pop stars! There are other highly profitable jobs to have....provided you're willing to do some real work!
  12. N

    Lipgloss Baitch is a nasty well, baitch?

    Oh btw I'm married and am actually 21. Yet I don't understand how that relates to you being a total fucking tit??! She sent me this: From: The Lipgloss Biatch Subject: Re: Re young slappers Message: I notice you have a child and you're only 20. Was that a planned pregnancy or the result...
  13. N

    My prediction was kind of close!?

    What did you predict?
  14. N

    Slimmer cuffs with regular bike rides?

    I am riding bike almost every day now, during lunch time. Is it really possible to slim down cuffs with bike rides? It looks like they got thinner, even my Mom noticed. She was the first one to point it out, I really did not notice.
  15. N

    Why are Democrats screaming the sky is falling and it's the Republicans fault?

    This was a terrible bill. After working with members of both parties to come up with what politicians described as a good bill. Pelosi and her gang of thugs went back to partisan politics, "we can do whatever we want and blame it on Bush". Hatcheted the bill and added all of her special...
  16. N

    Do you gain weight from your birth control?

    I have PCOS and everybody tells me that I should get on birth control to ease my symptoms. But some doctors say that if you have PCOS and take birth control you could not have children in the future, because it makes your ovaries tottally atrophied.
  17. N

    what her name celebrity calville?

    theres a celeb karissa calville, or kalista calville..sumthing like that can you help me out here and settle a debate. thanx
  18. N

    Meet jonas brothers at their concert at the Shoreline ampatheater on July 15?

    I am going to their concert at the shoreline ampatheatre (if thats how you spell it) in Mountain View, CA on July 15th at 7 or 8 pm. I want to go backstage to meet them real bad. How do I get backstage to meet them? Where would I buy the passes if I need backstage passes? Website? When i get to...
  19. N

    Do u know any websites that charge no fee for ringtones and u don't have to

    download it sends it to ur phone? besides
  20. N

    my periods have been regular for the past 3 months and now its delayed by a week...

    ...and a half, why??? I came off my pill in August 2007 and my periods have been all over the place but since January they have been normal. My periods are now 33day cycle and this month im late. I am trying for a baby but im confused as ive also been stressed this month but not as stressed as...