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  1. T

    can anyone give me a list of famous u boat attacks in history?

    just a small to medium size list of the famous u boat attacks from before world war 1 to after world war 2 thank you. I will after proceed to do a research assignment i just need help i nstarting
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    2002 chrysler town and country just turned off while I was driving.?

    While I was driving the oil and engine light came on for a second and the car just shut off. I put some oil in the car thinking it was low oil. The car started up and went about a mile then shut off again. Car will start but will only stay on for about a minute before shutting off again...
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    What fish can I keep with baby yellow bellied slider terrapins?

    What fish can I keep with baby yellow bellied slider terrapins? Thanks
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    unlocked motorola phone using t-mobile cannot be read as storage device?

    I downloaded the motorola driver installer and all the updates and it doesn't work and im currently trying to make this work on windows xp and vista, but it keeps saying that the phone tools doesn't have such phones in their database. mY PHONE AS OF NOW IS A MTOROLA RAZOR V3 AND I WANT TO UPLOAD...
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    unlocked motorola phone using t-mobile cannot be read as storage device?

    I downloaded the motorola driver installer and all the updates and it doesn't work and im currently trying to make this work on windows xp and vista, but it keeps saying that the phone tools doesn't have such phones in their database. mY PHONE AS OF NOW IS A MTOROLA RAZOR V3 AND I WANT TO UPLOAD...
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    unlocked motorola phone using t-mobile cannot be read as storage device?

    I downloaded the motorola driver installer and all the updates and it doesn't work and im currently trying to make this work on windows xp and vista, but it keeps saying that the phone tools doesn't have such phones in their database. mY PHONE AS OF NOW IS A MTOROLA RAZOR V3 AND I WANT TO UPLOAD...
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    unlocked motorola phone using t-mobile cannot be read as storage device?

    I downloaded the motorola driver installer and all the updates and it doesn't work and im currently trying to make this work on windows xp and vista, but it keeps saying that the phone tools doesn't have such phones in their database. mY PHONE AS OF NOW IS A MTOROLA RAZOR V3 AND I WANT TO UPLOAD...
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    Another campus shooting...

    This just.. boggles my mind. To top it off, it's the 4th school shooting in a week in the US! The others are:
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    How can I fix the problem I'm having with setting up VPN connection on my iPad?

    The VPN I have is a PPTP one. It runs perfectly on my PC with its Windows 7. Now I have entered all the info correctly into the iPad and when I try to connect, it says "Starting..." and then after 10 seconds an error message pops up, saying "You were disconnected by the communication device. Try...
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    For how long should I charge my Nokia N97 mini for the first time?

    The shopkeeper told me not to charge the battery until the battery is off, and after that I should charge it for 9 hours. After 3 hours it was fully charged, should I continue? I hear if I keep my phone plugged when it's fully charged, the battery life becomes shorter. Does anyone have the same...
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    Road bike to fixed gear track bike bike conversion?

    I have an old Raleigh road bike collecting dust in my garage. If I were to start riding it, I would need to rebuild entirely, so I was thinking it would be best to convert it into a track bike. If I were to go about doing this I was wondering what exactly it would entail and if someone could...
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    jodi picoult books????????????????

    I read my sisters keeper (that is such a sad sad book but it is so so good) and i was wondering what you thought of her other books. I was going to read them but i wasn't sure if they are any good. Tell me what ya thought of them and which arfe the best!!! I would really like ot know since i...
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    Ford Firestone CRISIS!?

    Hi, I'm doing a research project and I need to find pictures on the internet of some of the ads that Ford or Firestone used in 2000 to help rebuild their name after the massive tire recall. I know for a while ford had the most banner ads on the internet, but I can't seem to find them. Thanks
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    help understanding a T.S Elliot quote?

    "A medium of entertainment, which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome." I quess I don't understand really what he's saying.
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    any known treatment for scoliosis after surgery?? left with

    chronic pain.? was born with kyphosis and now have scolosis after fushion surgery. have been in chronic pain for 10 years and is getting worse. currently taking norspan patches at 40mg and was just given oxycontin 10 mg s/r for breakthrough pain (didnt find that it kicked in quick enough, was...
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    Possible to buy a Pantech Duo, from at&t, with discounted price, if i am in...

    ...mid of another att contract? I like the P.Duo, I have heard stories of people randomly upgrading to a different at&t phone for a discounted price(while they are under a previous 2 yr contract with at&t). Possible? How? I am thinking about getting the iPhone in June too, but this way i...