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  1. S

    Is Big Brother in your pocket?

    Well yes, it is. Bath is using bluetooth technology to plot where you are and where you have been. It is that little device that is now in all phones, earpieces, Nintendo DS and in your laptop PC. This is the story about it...
  2. S


    Isn't MAP addictive? I'd say, more addictive than Martial Arts themselves.
  3. S

    Getting paint off a car finish?

    I scraped the side of my garage and got some paint on a car -- what is the safest product to get off the paint that will not damage the finish of the car? Please help right away!!
  4. S

    Is this a good idea for a 16th birthday party, or NOT?

    I say not, my husband thinks it's ok. My daughter is turning 16, and she wants to take 3 friends and go canoeing on the river for her b-day. She doesn't swim well. She has never been canoeing without my husband being with her. She will not wear a life vest because it is uncomfortable. I...