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  1. P

    Question concerning high-speed internet through Comcast?

    It looks like I am finally getting rid of dial-up as of next month and moving into an area where high speed internet is available. I will be gettin it through Comcast. My question is this: I don't want to have to rent a cable modem through them for $5 a month. Is there a Comcast-ready...
  2. P

    Question about thrust-reverse?

    I've seen many cockpits.........and unfortunately, have only flown flight sims from my computer. How exactly does a pilot engage the thrust-reverse mechanism after touching down? On a flight sim, it is as simple as pulling the thrust levers all the way back. Obviously this is a computer...
  3. P

    Why do most busy airports launch alot of flights at the same time?

    I work here in the offices at Orlando International airport. I love my view of the I see many planes depart & arrive daily. I noticed a trend over my time here: They launch many flights between 7:30 am & about 8:30 am. Then it gets real quiet around here. Then all of a sudden...
  4. P

    Are there any foods out there that actually lower cholesterol?

    I just had blood-work done as a requirement for signing up for Amica Life Insurance. They sent a nurse to our home to take our blood..........and 5 days later, I was told that my cholesterol is "elevated"......and therefore when I die, my wife wont get as much money as was originally expected...
  5. P

    Question concerning home-based CB radio antennas?

    What is the proper way to ground your base-station antenna? I know that properly grounding it will not only give me better output & reception..........but it will also protect against lightning strikes. I live in Florida so, lightning is quite frequent. All help & knowledge is welcome...