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  1. N

    Wooooo hoooooo!

    Howdie all Im skipping again!! After what seems like a life time I am skipping again Tried around Christmas last year only to stuff up my ankle In fairness I was pushing 20 stone and not all muscle if you know what I mean!! Tonight I managed 3 mins with no ankle probs and not being too out...
  2. N

    How many of you think Adam Corolla was very rude and out of line in his comments to Julianne last night?

    How many of you think Adam Corolla was very rude and out of line in his comments to Julianne last night? his comments about her Mormon religion, and joking about her being a prostitute etc? Surely there are more tasteful ways to make a joke..
  3. N

    What are some good april fools jokes to play on people?

    What are some good april fools jokes to play on people?