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  1. R

    Do gold medal athletes realize that they didn't win that medal?

    Do they realize that the government won that medal for them with their roads and public facilities? Do they realize that it had nothing to do with initiative, discipline, commitment, sacrifice and hard work? Personally, I think all gold medals should go to President Obama, the 'Achiever in...
  2. R

    How would you feel if your husband or wife bought you a car as a gift?

    Surprise! You walk outside and there's a bow on a car and your husband or wife smilingly hands you the keys. You had no input and no idea. Me personally? I'd be p!ssed. Supremely p!ssed.
  3. R

    post your youtube channel to the forum. Not sure if many of you guys have Youtube but maybe we should post a youtube channel to show everyone their stuff... ZANEGOD is my channel. I should be posting some offtopic videos up there soon.
  4. R

    The Devil

    This is a fascinating topic that has attracted the interest of both Science (Ethnography and Anthropology) and Religion. Well, I like to hear your personal opinion on this view. Regards, DC.
  5. R

    Why aren't the leftists who complained about Bush's runaway spending...

    ...upset with Obama? I hear folks taking 'Republicans' who complain about Obama's 'first Trillion' to task because, in their minds THEY were upset with Bush's spending, but these 'Republicans' were not. This, despite the fact that there were a LOT of complaints about Bush's spending from the...
  6. R

    Do the implications of Hillary's continued lying register with Democrats? Another Hillary lie. The woman can't make a point without making up confirmed lies...not mistakes, not gaffs, but blatant, obvious and outrageous support her point. Does this register with Democrats...