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  1. M

    best vomit moment

    what is your best moment involving throw up? mine would have to be when I was little I was in church and this dude who was reading on the stand threw up on the Bible. it was great and he got kicked out. wHat's yourz!?!?!?
  2. M

    Ubuntu Internet Connection?

    I am new to linux. I am not new to computers. I am going to be running Ubuntu 8.04. My machine is a Dell D620. My wireless card is a Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-Card. Due to living circumstances, I have no access to the internet besides wireless. Right now I am running wubi. I played around...
  3. M

    New car????

    The transmission on my truck just blew up. It isn't worth it to repair or replace it due to the condition of the truck. I now want a USED car. The three cars that I have narrowed down to are... VW Golf Honda Civic Toyota Corolla I am looking for more mpg (my truck got 12), utility (Golf)...