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  1. G

    What to expect at a meeting with a representative agency?

    I am a teenager, so will it be like a one-on-one meeting or will there someone else be required to be there with me....and when they call back later, do you have to respond to them right then and there or can you call them back later (if you've got other offers)? Hypothetically speaking. Thank...
  2. G

    What is the celebrity hair brush?

    What hair brush does everyone use? what is the best hairbrush you have ever used?
  3. G

    Help...What is a good thesis statment about sexuality in the middle east?

    I am researching sexuality in the middle east and I have been finding out a lot about child explotation, homosexuality, transsexuals, women oppression and I need a concrete thesis or question that combines all of these topics into one. I was sort of thinking maybe calling my paper Sexuality in...
  4. G

    Sexuality in the Middle East: The ongoing battle between the two...

    ...extremes...good thesis statement? So I will focus on how the hidden parts of society (i.e. homosexuals, trans, child abuse, prostitution) is starting to become more public and how ngos and people are fighting with the conservative Islamic groups and government...and discuss who is winning the...
  5. G

    Help...What is a good thesis statment about sexuality in the middle east?

    I am researching sexuality in the middle east and I have been finding out a lot about child explotation, homosexuality, transsexuals, women oppression and I need a concrete thesis or question that combines all of these topics into one. I was sort of thinking maybe calling my paper Sexuality in...
  6. G

    Whats the best ATT phone?

    I want a cool hip phone thats not too expensive. ( like 100 dollars) but i'm not sure which is the best.I like touch screens and keyboards. But i dont like phones that look cheap. Any suggestions?(say as many as you can think of please)
  7. G

    How to do phone book card trick?

    I was wondering how to do the card trick where the person doing the trick asks you to pick a card and then randomly pick a number in the phone book, and when you call the number and ask for the person listed in the phone book, they tell you your card! How's it work?
  8. G

    what are all the budget shoppers making for dinner tonight?

    I made hot roast beef sandwiches with gravy. I probably spent $8 to $9 to make this meal, what meals do you make and how much do you normally spend on a meal. Sorry I am curious.
  9. G

    Question about responsibility?

    I have a SIL (my husband's sister) that can be a complete bitch when she wants to, or she can be nice (as anyone can be either). She has a friend that is a con. She writes bad checks, steals peoples identities to get credit, shop lifts, and is just basically a bad person to be around. She has...
  10. G

    Gossip Girl Season 2 Song?

    For you who have seen the promo for the second season of the show, what is the song that plays in the background? Please help! Thanks a lot. :]
  11. G

    Gossip Girl book font?

    I'm not asking for the title font, I'm talking about the font that the actual story is written in... please help! Thanks.
  12. G

    I'm sick of skinny celebrities? how about you?

    I'm sick that the stereotype of beauty is stick thin!!!!!! I'm not a complete fattie so don't think i'm some bitter fat person. i just think that todays role models, whether they be celebrities or models should be healthy and represent society. why have clothes on stick thin people when the...