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    mother arrested for naming daughter "Chamillionaire" in Klingonese

    she even spelled the name wrong
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    The DB9 Aston Martin has to be the sexiest car ever built. And they say us English cant make cars, HA! Heres a clip of it being driven by Jeremy from Top gear. He races his mates riding on the Euro Star from Guildford (South East England, where I was born) to Monta Carlo (Best F1 course. In...
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    Can you help me burn DVD's from WinDVD file formats?

    I have a Canon HD video camera and am desperately trying to burn DVD's with my footage. The camera exports WinDVD format files to my computer and I bought Ulead VideoStudio 11. However - it doesn't recognize the file format. Am I using the software wrong, or do I need something different?Not...
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    news paper of denmark had reprinted the cartoons of Prophet MUHAMMAD <sale allah

    aleh walii wasalm>? wht u think about this???they have insulted muslims by doing that again.wht is ur reaction?? i m a Muslim n i respect all the religions so why they r doing that kind of foolish things with us???wht v have done to them v never wanted to hurt any one's feeling regarding to...
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    Will daughters have equal rights if father willed the property to sons??

    Dear Legal LuminoriesIn India-- Father has willed his say a bungalow worth 4 crores to his two sons and to the two daughters cash investment of 15laks each.Can they file a suit for equal share as I do remember some law with effect from 1978 or so that daughters are eligible for equal share of...