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  1. G

    How come GMC doesn't make Sedan cars?

    Like how come they don't make cars thats like a maxima... or a Accord.. all they make is SUVS and Trucks!!! This may sound stupid but please... tell me. 5 stars ill give you!
  2. G

    Man blows his top at authority... WOW.. just wow. Now there are lolz to be had (left, right and center) that is for sure. Have at it.
  3. G

    What should I name it?!?

    Okay, i'm writing a book, there's a Pet Shelter that's involved in the book, and comes up a lot, like it's got a lot to do with the plot line. I need a name for it, and I also need a name for the owner, who's like a creep and plays a role in a mystery. Thanks so much!
  4. G

    What should I name it?!?

    Okay, i'm writing a book, there's a Pet Shelter that's involved in the book, and comes up a lot, like it's got a lot to do with the plot line. I need a name for it, and I also need a name for the owner, who's like a creep and plays a role in a mystery. Thanks so much!
  5. G

    What should I name it?!?

    Okay, i'm writing a book, there's a Pet Shelter that's involved in the book, and comes up a lot, like it's got a lot to do with the plot line. I need a name for it, and I also need a name for the owner, who's like a creep and plays a role in a mystery. Thanks so much!
  6. G

    What should I name it?!?

    Okay, i'm writing a book, there's a Pet Shelter that's involved in the book, and comes up a lot, like it's got a lot to do with the plot line. I need a name for it, and I also need a name for the owner, who's like a creep and plays a role in a mystery. Thanks so much!
  7. G

    A Simple Recipe to Ace General Chemistry?

    Taking general chemistry? Looking for a powerful way to ace the course? Here is a very simple formula: Rapid Learning. So what is rapid learning anyway? Rapid Learning = Rich Media + Smart Teaching Rich Media: Chemistry is a visual science. Learn it visually with rich media. Smart Teaching...
  8. G

    Wifi with the Motorola ROKR E6?

    do they have any wifi adapter for a Motorola ROKR E6? thanks
  9. G

    Do I need to / can I spray a clear coat on top of a Rustoleum spray lacquer?

    I have fully prepped and painted a plastic piece with Rustoleum high gloss black lacquer from an aerosol can. The finish has come out almost mirror like after a few sanding cycles. I'd like it to stay this way. I'm not familiar with lacquers (or whatever came out of this can). Can I buff /...
  10. G

    Apps for the nokia n800?

    is there any appilications for the nokia n800 that would enable you to make calls from it? plz help. thanks
  11. G

    apps for nokia n800?

    what third party apps do they have for the n800?
  12. G

    wireless adapter for a nokia n72?

    where can i purchase a wireless adapter for a nokia n72?
  13. G

    Is there a music player where I can upload my iTunes music and put it on MySpace?

    I can't find I music player where it will allow me upload my music from iTunes onto the player and post it on MySpace. I have already converted my iTunes music into mp3 formats but I just can't find a music player that will let me upload my music because of copyright. Please help.
  14. G

    Psp problem.!?

    alright,so i have a wirless router so i can connect to the internet on my psp and laptop.But i have a problem.On my psp i understand that the WLAN switch had to be up so that you can connent to a network,well my WLAN button is real loose and i have to hold it up but the light that signals that...
  15. G

    Poll: What star do you think is hot ugly?

    My pick is Helen Hunt. When you really look close, she's not that pretty, but she's got something that makes her kinda hot. Who's your pick?
  16. G

    So I met this girl on myspace and we`re supposed to go...?

    out to dinner and I mean we`ve been talking to her for about 3 months and she is about 15 years younger than me and that does not bother me but, What do girls around age 30 like to do and do they like dinner and a movie still? Should I just take her to dinner and then back to my place for some...