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    Vacancy for butlering for the Panda

    At last, there is a qualification meaning I can get a suitably qualified butler in my employ.Being a regal panda is no mean feat and I take a LOT of looking after. Those persons interested need to complete this new course please ,as it is a truly dying art. I shall be conducting interviews...
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    has anyone tried the new tgi fridays "loaded wings" that you can pick up on the

    has anyone tried the new tgi fridays "loaded wings" that you can pick up on the frozen food aisle? ? i found them once at walmart and they were very good, but now i cant find them in any store and they dont even have a listing for these wings on their website. all the other frozen products, but...
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    butt, thighs, hips, and pooch?

    i need good exercises to target those main areas, get rid of fat and make them toned and slim
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    why do alota ppl assume that celebrities like jamie lynn and brit..?

    are the idols to every girl in america? and that they all want to be like them and copy every thing they do? like me for example. i dont have a idol or role model, nor do i like that celebrity garbage they always show, and that jami lynn geeting pregnant is gonna affect me... atleast she has...
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    why is it that sometimes, some people assume that celebrities are an idol... every teen? when its not true, that not all teenagers look up to celebrities like that, and try to copy them. me for example, im not into those celebrity idol crap. i donot have an idol, i just be me. and just because like for example, some think that brittney and jamie spears is...