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  1. B

    Spiritually speaking, did you ever plan to run away from home as a kid?

    what was the plan? Did you carry it out?
  2. B

    Is there someone in your life that you just "don't understand"?

    like it's impossible to relate to this person without frustration. How do you manage to love them?
  3. B

    Christianity: religion or reality (Christians only please)?

    It bothers me to consider my faith religion because to me it is like, "the way it is", The Truth something that cannot be changed by opinion or personal preferences. Every time I see a question that asks "are you religious" I feel strongly against answering yes, but that I wouldn't be...
  4. B

    What is your favorite kind of fish?

    to eat and how do you like it cooked? you can also say shellfish if you like them better
  5. B

    Why can't people understand that some people feel that their religion is as

    much a part of them as their race? Oopsies, cut myself off! I personally feel that I cannot set aside my Christianity from my daily thoughts, decisions etc. I do not hold public office so what I believe does not concern the government and I am not infringing on anyone's rights by my belief...
  6. B

    Have you seen the Changeling?

    What did you think? WOW that movie was awesome!
  7. B

    The fairness doctrine, is it fair?

    No, it is not fair at all and is unconstitutional.
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    What sort of things are you allowed to eat on the Atkins diet?

    and how often should you eat and how much?
  9. B

    What do you see in the future for America's relationship with Israel?

    I think it will be on very shaky ground because of public opinion. What do you think?
  10. B

    Is a venus flytrap considered a carnivorous plant ?

    Is it really a plant? can they digest bones?
  11. B

    Is there a worse category to hang out in than Religion and Spirituality?

    It's like being in the midst of vipers. You can't even expect respect from your own kind. Goodness gracious! Yeah, I'm chatting and venting. Poll: What is your favorite breed of dog?
  12. B

    Do you know anyone who complains all the time?

    How do they make you feel? If you could "fix" this person, how would you go about doing it or what advice would you give them?
  13. B

    What do you have to complain about today ?

    Me? Nothing at all, for a change.
  14. B

    Who started the Flying Spaghetti Monster religion?

    I saw a car with an FSM logo on it today. I thought it was just an R&S thing.
  15. B

    09/11 Conspiracy theories ?

    What are some? I'm interested.
  16. B

    Why can't you buy decent fish sticks today?

    I love my fish sticks, but it is impossible to find ones that aren't made from minced fish.
  17. B

    If you're passing a yard sale, do you stop or keep going?

    What kinds of things do you like to buy?
  18. B

    Has anyone else on here cast off the chains of organized religion and...

    ...doctrines of man? and get your authority ONLY from the Word of God itself? Please share a bit about your experience and how it has impacted your life and worldview.
  19. B

    Does anybody NOT care about politics?

    I used to be heavily into it, but my life has been destroyed by mental illness, so I just can't care anymore.