Search results

  1. S

    Can you use the sony ericsson xperia x10 mini pro with Virgin Mobile?

    I'm with virgin mobile and i want to get the xperia x10 mini pro. can i do that?
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    Where can i buy a sony ericsson xperia x10 mini pro?

    I really want to buy a sony ericsson xperia x10 mini pro, does anyine know where i could get one?
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    Hiking delima; What would you do in my situation?

    Situation; I may be going hiking on monday for a night for my friends 17th birthday party. There is a chance of a storm on monday and chance of rain tuesday. I will more than likely be getting my period tomorrow(sunday). I've had a cough for the past couple of weeks that could get better or...
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    Where is "Sanctuary" going with this?

    I have been watching this show and I can say that its growing on me. The recent episode "The Five" answered allot of questions and gave more clues. I honestly loved this episode and I hope it will get even better. Where and what do you think it is going? The character Henry is really kicking off...
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    Do all religions allow people to celebrate Halloween?

    Just wondering. Is there any religion that is against the celebration of halloween? And why? So how did it start? Why do Pagans celebrate this day?
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    Where can I rent a small boat in Chicago to watch events like the Air and Water Show?

    I'm looking for a place to rent boats on lake michigan to watch things like the Air and Water Show or Red Bull Flugtag. Any ideas? (Not looking for cruises or anything leaving from Navy Pier) Thanks!
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    Hunting for new music? Indie stuff?

    I'm getting really bored of my music selection, and there's not much in the charts at the moment that I like. Was wondering if anyone could recommend something? I like upbeat music. Can't stand anything really cheesy, or too rocky. PLEASE DO NOT RECOMMEND JONAS BROTHERS, THEY SUCK. My fave songs...
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    What should I major in if I want to eventually be in politics?

    I know most people will answer that I should be in law, but I really don't want to enter law. I'm a very outgoing person and I was considering something in public relations and business but I don't know if this can be a lead to later on entering politics. please tell me what you guys think!
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    Chest and Breast Pain (more detail)

    This is in response to my previous post. I went to the doctor for having bad chest pain and left shoulder pain and a little bit dizzy. They did a physical and an EKG. Everything was perfect they said. That was about a week ago. The pain in my chest is still here, and it's more in my breast...
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    hmm...can someone contact misscassey(zwinky) to make zwinky desktop in mobile???

    i want to play zwinky in my mobile using GPRS(of curzly).... n make it jar. file... so i juz download it...n install it....n tada...wer playing:D
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    how do i clear my internet history?

    i went tools+internet options+delete browsing history+delete all, and it just deleted all my previously visited webistes etc, but when i go onto google and start writing, it still shows what ive searched for previously... how do i clear all that stuff??