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  1. M

    Americans, can you tell me about the elections?

    I am from the UK and don't really know much about your elections or candidates.I was wondering if you could tell me who is running, what each of their principals and issues are, as well as what they are all for and against?Also, maybe reasons why voters would either not vote for them or vote for...
  2. M

    should Obama's 20 years ties to racist Rev. Wright be major election issue?

    due to 20 years close ties to "God damn America" Rev. Wright who has publicly shouted poisonous lies and racist hatreds in church, is Barack Hussein Obama plausibly a danger to USA and American social harmony due to possible inciting of black supremacist racist demagogues if he runs and wins...
  3. M

    Did you find your significant other in another country or in your own area?

    Manfred and I found each other when I toured Europe after college. When I was walking on a street in Dublin, I tripped and fell on the sidewalk, injuring my right knee and fracturing my left arm. An incredibly handsome young man called for an ambulance and stayed with me until it came. He...
  4. M

    My dog ate a chocolate bar. Should I take her to a vet?

    I got home from a quick trip to the store to get some dog food. While I was done, the dog (a 100 LBS 1 year old mastiff) decided to eat a bar of dark chocolate on the counter. What should I do? Should I just watch her and hope for the best, or take her to the emergency vet? The bar was approx...
  5. M

    Looking to temporarily Kill My DSL internet?

    K so, im trying to disable the internet DSL in my house, without calling the company. Im trying to do this secretly too, so that noone else in the house finds out. Now, what i know is the internet runs thru the phone line, right? So can i go to the phone box, and disconnect certain wires? do i...