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  1. K

    Spider-man cartoon

    Has anyone seen the CGI Spider-man cartoon (the one that's completely CG, not the hand-drawn one with a few CG web-swinging scenes tacked on)? I borrowed a DVD of it the other day and it's excellent. The scripting and characterisation are great!
  2. K

    John Cleese is on Facebook, and that is a great thing

    ALERTS TO THREATS IN 2013 EUROPE From JOHN CLEESE The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent events in Syria and have therefore raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved." Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross." The...
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    Special Constable application

    Just thought id throw this into the ether. Im in the process of applying to become a special constable, i was just wondering if there were any on here who could give advice about their experiences either within the application process or being a special on the job. The role looks interesting to...
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    i have a really bad sore throat?

    i got sick a couple of days ago with the cold. normally they last like two weeks for me but i took zicam and all the symptoms went away...except for my sore throat. will my sore throat go away? i have no other symptoms of being sick...just the sore throat, does anyone know why it still hurts?
  5. K

    Twilight movie Question?

    do you like the people that they cast for the cullens in twilight?