Search results

  1. KermitDFrog

    May be

    Is may be an actual word? It's not in the dictionary, but this fool I am having a conversation with is telling me it is a word. Enlighten me...please!
  2. KermitDFrog

    Celebrity top 5

    This is the same concept that was on the friends episode. Each couple had a list of 5 celebrities they could sleep with and it wouldn't be considered cheating. If you had a list like this.... who would be your top 5 Celebrities?
  3. KermitDFrog

    Pregnant women

    Anyone else think that most pregnant women look sexy? There is something about a woman who is carrying a child that is just mmmmmhh. You can claim that it's the increased bust and I will agree to a point but there is a glow about those women too. And preggo sex is beyond description. :D
  4. KermitDFrog

    They took my screen name

    I see there are a bunch of people that signed up, only sent one post and are never heard from again. Perhaps they disappeared and the bodies are stacking up in some old building in Arizona. So I think I should answer some questions or something. Where you are from. Your interests, hobbies...