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    does the rogers family plan have voicemail?

    Does the Rogers Family Plan come with free voicemail and call display? Thanks!
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    Ha! Just let 'em try Grrrr.......
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    Answer this riddle (really easy if you think about)?

    Two fathers and two sons went fishing. They all caught a fish. Only three fish were caught. How is this possible?
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    Another riddle thats not hard?

    A lady had twins. One was born on firday and the other was born on saturday. They are 2mins apart. How is this possible?
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    Wireless internet stuff?

    ok heres the thing. i want to set up wireless internet so i can play my xbox and wii online. i plug the wirless router (netgear ADSL DG834G) straight into my phone line, and the consoles can tell its there, sending out wireless signals. But, the router itself isnt connected to the internet, and...