Recent content by ZackFair

  1. Z

    TV 3d LG la6130 (nonto 3d)tolong dijawab secepatnya?

    saya mw nanya nih ,tolong dijawab secepatnya yah,Klo saya pake dvd player biasa dan dvd film biasa bajakan yg biasa di abang abang 10.000@ itu bisa di convert jdi 3d g ppke cinema 3dnya lg??trus perlu kabel HDMI yg support 3d ato yg biasa jga bisa??trus saya punya firstmedia(bukan 3d yg HD...
  2. Z

    Christians Adam and Eve question?

    Why wouldn't they just say that...why try to confuse your followers? maybe because they never expected science to explain the origins of the earth....
  3. Z

    Poll & survey: What kind of phone do you have?

    Jail broken iphone, FUCK YOU APPLE
  4. Z

    torrent downloading problems?

    Download BitLord...problem solved.
  5. Z

    I update my psp with the updates from the Sony's website. Would i still be able to

    use a GBA(Cont. Below)? emulater on my psp to play GBA roms