Recent content by Yuuko

  1. Y

    My brand new ps3 won't play my brand new blue ray?

    You should test out other blu ray movies and dvds to see if they play too. If not, unfortunately, your drive has failed and it may need to be replaced.. which really sucks since you just got a ps3 a week ago BUT I believe the ps3 comes with a manufacturer's warranty so you're safe if that is the...
  2. Y

    Popular and prompt manga sites?

    It has come to my recent attention that OneManga (My preferred manga site for years now) is having problems with some of the publishers and is now shutting down by next week. Is there any really great manga sites that I could be directed to? Anyones that are as fully 'stocked' as OneManga would...
  3. Y

    P&S: Survey ~ Sweet lovers out there! Who wants chocolate?

    Give me a *star* then I'll give you a chocolate. xD Just joking! But you could star if you like. xDD Okay... So, here's the question: Are you a chocolate lover? Raise your hands! :D *raises hand*
  4. Y

    Who is smarter Kakashi, Shikamaru, or Sasuke?

    For me, Shikamaru is the smartest among the them.
  5. Y

    What is the song at the end of Episode 25 in Code Geass R2?

    It's "Continued Story" by Hitomi Kuroishi. You can download it here:
  6. Y

    a question about bleach question?

    Okay. :p