Recent content by YoungShyCareerGirl

  1. Y


    The only thing that you have to remember in life is that growing old is compulsory, growing up isnt!
  2. Y

    if you were to commit suicide

    I'd say it's 'cause of myspace so a random bitch will go to jail for 20 years. :tup:
  3. Y

    Things that make you go Mmmmmm....

    Short haired men need lov... oh forget it.
  4. Y

    [Japan] Help with Japanese!

    Yeah, I think that would be the 'end' part. Your sentence to me simply states the existense if 'the beginning'. I could be misreading it, but shouldn't you have 'owari' in there somewhere? Like 'Owari no hajime ga arimasu' or just 'Owari no hajime da/desu'? Something like that anyway.
  5. Y

    What style flooring do you have?

    I have hardwood, on my floor. and in my pants ;)
  6. Y

    I believe

    they took it off. good thing i took a screenshot.
  7. Y

    American medicine system

    It's like student loans in the UK. You get the diploma (treatment) and then pay back in reasonable installments, even if those installments will never add up to the total sum by the time you die. My wife is British so we come to the UK for treatment if ever we need it. Doctors have a duty of...
  8. Y

    Wierd shit

  9. Y

    First tattooooo!!!

  10. Y

    Came in for my lickins... Slip?

    Pfffft! You know what this situation would create? A whole new group of people who get their chance to scramble to the top on the backs of others. If something like that happened, and got out, it would probably be sensationalized to the extreme and then all sorts of "you need me here now!" going...
  11. Y

    Role playing & tabletop games.

    Role playing & tabletop games. I'm the same, I used to love the idea of growing your initial gang of a couple of members, a couple of juves, your heavy and your leader up to either a small band of elites, a big gang or wherever you wanted to take it really. It felt a lot more personal and...
  12. Y

    Evolution Bashing Thread

    No, you haven't wasted your pennies because the important thing you see is to find Jesus. Apparently he's been missing for years as they keep asking me if I have found him. Which leads me to the obvious conclusion.... he's not lost, he's just avoiding them.
  13. Y

    State GeorgisRep Bobby Franklin. Whatta looney wingnut.

    It certainly rivals Tennessee's fiasco (also being discussed here). Blade--no worries.
  14. Y

    Police had attacked man that died at G20 protests

    You don't have all of the information, yet you are still jumping to conclusions. What about the reports of bottles being thrown at the officers who were trying to render medical assistance? or the protesters who impeded the ambulance? What exactly would you have had those other officers do...
  15. Y

    Gun Control

    I realize I was oversimplifying a bit. In Texas, common law marriage now has its elements set forth by a statute. I don't practice in that area, but I think I got the basic elements correct. Still, there is no government involvement in effectuating the marriage. Also, we are a community...