Recent content by YeremiahuYonteff

  1. Y

    Do the Hebrew dietary laws invalidate the moral laws of Judaism governing sexuality?

    lol? first of all the dietary laws and sexual laws are completely separate categories of jewish law. Both are completely vaild and obligatory, but sexual laws are FAR MORE SERIOUS, there are no forms of kashrut violations that incur capital punishment, and you are allowed to eat unkosher food to...
  2. Y

    The similarities of Islam and Judaism?

    The only reason Islam has anything remotely to do with Judaism or Christianity for that matter is their so called pedophile prophet plagiarized both religions to attempt to win converts, his utter failure to do so is what made him go ape-%#&% violent and create the most violent and bigoted...
  3. Y

    Are there actually any jews in the JPA that practice Judaism or Are they a bunch of

    Pagans too? I see answers from the JPA jewish Pagan alliance all the time on jewish questions and they are almost universally wrong. I can't imagine any decent jew would be part of such an association if they had the slightest torah education. Is the lack of proper education in the jewish world...