Recent content by ya1

  1. Y

    How Blueray versions of movies available in torrent sites even before releasing?

    There are people, such as movie critics, that legitimately receive preview releases of movies before they go out to the general public so that they can be reviewed. These preview copies are often a DVD or Blu-Ray edition of the film. Sometimes the owner of the preview will hand the copy off to a...
  2. Y

    how to continue torrent download?

    Assuming that the drive you formatted did not contain the partial torrent data, you can pick it up where it left off. Load the same .torrent file that you did before the format, and when the program asks where you'd like to save it, choose the same folder that the partial data is located in. It...
  3. Y

    Why is my Bittorrent download speed is very slow?

    There can be a few reasons you would get a slow torrent on an otherwise fast internet connection. First would be if there aren't very many seeders on your torrents, which would make downloading slow for every peer. Second would be if you haven't done any port forwarding or done it incorrectly...
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    software for converting windows app to symbian app?

    Software doesn't really work that way. It's either that there is a Symbian version or there isn't. If you wanted to run a Windows app on a phone you would either need to get your hands on the source code and modify it to run on Symbian, or rewrite the entire program from scratch. There's a huge...
  5. Y

    Why does it shows "upload speed" when i am downloading torrent file(using...

    You are uploading the torrent that you are downloading. This is the way BitTorrent works. As you connect to peers to get pieces of the file(s) that you need and they have, peers connect to you to get pieces of the file(s) that they need and you have.