Recent content by xoldbiex

  1. X

    Why is my att tilt battery life 1 hour?

    Use The battery until it completely dies then it will turnn off alone, then recharge it for Exatcly 24Hours and ull be set
  2. X

    iTouch, How I Add Free Music,Free Movies?

    i ussally used Limewire and i download it on limewire first then just drag the items to itunes but now it wont let me drag & drop anymore? wtf i did a update , is it just me ?
  3. X

    Should i Install a Invisable Shield On My T-Mobile G1?

    Anyone should i? will it still work perfectly the same, same scrreen reaction and is it removable and doesnt leve a mark? Yes or No
  4. X

    Problems In School With Someone Spreding Rumors?

    Ok so this boy keps spreading rumors in school saying i did stuff with a 20yr old retarded girl which isnt true at all so im wondering what should i do i alrdy told him to stop and i would beat his ass but i dont want to get suspended 3d day os School