Recent content by WrightOnt

  1. W

    Pissed off rabid Raccoon *pics

    Yeah, i got bitten by a bat and had to get rabies shots. You get them in the ass. Don't play with the coon. Kill it and call animal control.
  2. W

    Ultamate Showdown Bear grylls vs Survivor Man

    Who (arguably) puts on a better TV show? Bear. Who would I rather be stuck in the middle of nowhere with? Les.
  3. W

    female passiveness

    don't fret H- remember the nipple thingy i promised you
  4. W

    most fucked up thing you have ever done

    I think for me it was when this kid at my school got his camera stolen. He only had it for like a week. So he is running in and out of classes checking with people. (mind you my class has 30 people in it) so he runs in and looks at me and goes have you saw my camera? (I have b4, but not since it...
  5. W


    Actually if you stray off Keighley road you find me so I would defiantly advise you to stay on the path.
  6. W

    what shoes to get

  7. W

    Why do we eat meat?

    Yeah. And we grow pigs just so we can take their insulin. ANd Togakure, goat tastes awesome. Nothing like some good curried goat.
  8. W

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" I wonder about that too. This dude was a douche. but he tried to make a point. which would be valid if the GOvt and Private institutions aren't taking security more seriously after last week's incident. Are they? If they are, then there wasnt...
  9. W

    Death penalty

    That'll work
  10. W

    I just got braces.

    Your Such A BAMF!!!!!!!!1
  11. W

    UK government moves to block pope arrest on visit

    I'm not easily offended at all really and no one has a bigger problem with the catholic church as me but I love how its ok to have a tag which says paedo pope yet the mods bust your balls constantly if you use profanity, seems the sensibility's of some matter more than others not that Im asking...
  12. W

    Where were you when... ?

    Ah! Probably in bed. We didn't have a couch then. We'd only been married for a few months and apart from the kitchen didn't see the need for furniture downstairs. Only furnished the ground floor nearly a year later when my son turned up. Good times!
  13. W

    Would you leave pbn if ST was deleted from the forum?

    I'd probably just start AIM chats/IRC channels of all the threads I frequent. I don't need ST, I need mah people. =[
  14. W

    Moderators liable for forum comments

    Now, where do I begin with this sentence? I'll keep it simple, evolutionary speaking chimps such as Pan troglodytes and Pan paniscus are apes belonging to the family Hominidae. These are distinct from monkeys and the current understanding is that the apes diverged from the Old World monkeys...