Recent content by worldhistory0

  1. W

    Cloning and Stem Cell Research

    When most people hear the mention of cloning they imagine a breed of superior humans born without a soul that try to take over the world in some kind of apocalyptic invasion. Religious zealots spread fear by shouting doomsday and barking passages from Revelations. The reality of cloning is...
  2. W

    Capital Punishment

    What about miscarriages of justice? In countries like the USA and the UK you get the justice you can afford. Over here there have been many well-publicised cases of people doing time for crimes they never committed. (And I'm sure that the well-publicised cases are just the tip of the...
  3. W

    Typing challenge

    97?! That's clocking it. There's a fun little flash game called typer shark somewhere on the net, where you have to type the words on the sharks to kill them. Google it, it's good fun.
  4. W

    Getting a ferret

    it still sucks. trust me. Get some other rodent, like a hamster or gerbil.
  5. W

    Cure my Arachnophobia?

    Check your PM Ronin
  6. W

    MAP HELP!! halloween costume

    You must not have read that the party will be in san francisco, going there dressed as a fairy is an invitation to be hit on by every guy in town, no thanks. though it would be funny. you underestimate thier gaydar. Also no self respecting queer would show up in a tutu. Not fashionable enough...
  7. W

    Defense Tower V.2

    it's more addicting than myspace:dodgy:
  8. W

    Fatty gets kicked off Airplane.

    i just posted a comment on there. under the name "mike" i hope cnn lets that one though but people like that should be shot on site, the country would be a much better place.
  9. W

    Change the song name

    Rose for the Dead - Theatre of Tragedy
  10. W

    Happy Birthday, Chimpcheng!

    Happy Birthday mate. I have 2 others to celebrate today, one tomorrow and another the day after. -David
  11. W

    1 Chance , 1 Question, 1 Answer

    Got a B :( Too much case studies clashed with my Law case studies. Literally 500 case studies of law + 300 case studies of psychology.
  12. W

    Tampons and Tools...

    Mikey you are very articulate and funny and have one of if not the quickest wit i have seen here.I don't find your post in any way offensive. I think it's actually educational in the real life kinda way and solid USA humor. I am in your corner.....
  13. W

    The most amazing thing just happened!!

    SO littering in the sea is good. Case closed. On topic that's a great tale worthy of some rep.