Recent content by Wolverine

  1. W

    Judaism Pilgrimage Sights?

    I need a few major pilgrimage sites for a school project! I already have Kodesh Kodashim (the holy of holies-- jewish tabernacle), however im not quite sure if Kodesh Kodashim was a pilgrimage site. I need some more major jewish pilgrimage sites by this weekend (and make sure the pilgrimage...
  2. W

    On Fifa 11, you can NOT improve your stadium, scout, fitness manager, attacking... etc. Correct? On Fifa 11, you can NOT improve your stadium, scout, fitness manager, attacking coach etc. Correct? This was one of the features in manager mode on Fifa 10. If this has been taken out of Fifa 11, has there been a replacement? If not, how to players develop in career mode...
  3. W

    Super powers?!!!!!!!!!?

    laser beams rehealing abilities super strength mind reading teleportation transformations stretching abilities super speed
  4. W

    Lambda sensor testing?

    My cars currently overfueling and i suspect it is the lambda sensor causing it. ive been told i can test it by leaving the car running and unplugging it. If the revs rise when this is done the sensor is fine, if they dont rise its broken Any truth in this?
  5. W

    i'm not afraight of hight but i get those repeated dreams?

    in those dreams for one reason or an other i some how ended onn this high place o someone try to get me there so it scared me like hell as if i have a phobia and my heart start bouncing and i would wake up really tired... alhough in most cases if i were awake it wouldn't scares me like that much...
  6. W

    In your opinion, what is more difficult to get, a block or a steal?

    Please don't tell me that it depends on the type of a player, because it's already a given that tall players are likely getting more blocks compared to the small players, and small players having more steals than tall ones. I just want your intelligent opinions fellas.
  7. W

    In your opinion, what is more difficult to get, a block or a steal?

    Please don't tell me that it depends on the type of a player, because it's already a given that tall players are likely getting more blocks compared to the small players, and small players having more steals than tall ones. I just want your intelligent opinions fellas.
  8. W

    Top 5 Most anticipated rookies on YOUR list.?

    1. Blake Griffin - let's see if he can dominate just like he did in NCAA. 2. Jordan Hill - I'm always fascinated with first round power forwards. There are bunch of them that were drafted late in the first round that turned out to be superstar players. 3. James Harden - drafted 3rd overall...
  9. W

    Jokes!!!!!! I neeeed jjjoookkkeeesss!!!?

    This is the funniest joke I've read in this section. "Kobe Bryant is the best player ever in the NBA! Way better than Michael Jordan, Bill Russel, Wilt chamberlain, Magic Johnson and Larry Bird."
  10. W

    In basketball, are stats useful or not?

    Yes very useful. It shows the true production of each individual player. That is why there are rankings in each statistical criteria either on offense or in defense. It is also the basis on selecting the regular season MVP, Defensive Player of the Year, Rookie of the Year and 1st and 2nd teams...
  11. W

    Car audio question about head unit?

    I have Pioneer head unit that I put in my car over a year ago and it worked fine. Recently the sound has been skipping in and out and now no sound is playing. I checked for loose wires, fuses and wondering if there is anything else I should know.
  12. W

    What is tha best poistion in basketball???

    Shooting guard is the best.
  13. W

    Did anyone else laugh when Van Gundy called Kobe the greatest Laker all time?

    I did laugh at that. Maybe he was born during the late 90's, that's why he never heard the names of Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Jerry West.
  14. W

    If we conceed and let homos get married, will Liberals give us back all

    could you please give me an example of a mainstream elected official who wants to steal your gun, money, free speech, choice of kind of car, or your right to listen to who you want to on the radio, or who "stole" an election?
  15. W

    need the perfect sci fi movie?

    I suggests the movie Freejack. It stars Emilio Estevez, Rene Russo, Mick Jagger and Anthony Hopkins. 1992.