Recent content by WillowNatalia

  1. W

    Weird clear egg slime residue all over my fish tank?

    Sounds like snail eggs to me. I've had snails take over a tank because I thought I'd scrubbed the eggs off, but they stick to everything! It's kind of like a really firm, clear jelly with tiny clearish dots, about the size of 1/2 to 1/4 sesame seed I guess. The best defense I've found is a...
  2. W

    Weird clear egg slime residue all over my fish tank?

    Sounds like snail eggs to me. I've had snails take over a tank because I thought I'd scrubbed the eggs off, but they stick to everything! It's kind of like a really firm, clear jelly with tiny clearish dots, about the size of 1/2 to 1/4 sesame seed I guess. The best defense I've found is a...
  3. W

    Neighbors complaining and called the H.O.A.!! What to do?

    Check your HOA handbook and see if other plantings are acceptable for front yard plantings. There are many plants that thrive in heavy shade, as under a tree, that are quite lovely. Ferns, hostas, some flowers. If plants other than grass are acceptable, go to a home improvement store or...